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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-112780

[Fixed driver available] Game ended with bad state (exit code -1073740791) - Faulty nVidia driver 378.49


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.11.2
    • Windows 10 64-bit
      NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M Treiberversion 378.49
      Java 1.8.0_121
      Minecraft Launcher 1.6.70
    • Unconfirmed

      • Download the latest driver version 378.66 (or later) from http://www.geforce.com/drivers
      • From the driver's changelog:
        [Minecraft]: Java SE Binary crashes pointing to nvinitx.dll. [200274582]
      • If you do not have an Nvidia card: This issue can also be caused by Razer Synapse.
      Mod Notice

      Symptoms: Game crashes without showing a crashlog, launcher shows "Game ended with bad state (exit code -1073740791)"
      Cause: The newest nvidia driver is faulty, causing Minecraft to crash. The driver in question has version 378.49 and was released on 2017-01-24.

      Solution: Install the aforementioned updated driver

      If you need further support, please do not reply here. Instead, go here: Community Support

      To iterate, this is not caused by Minecraft.


      Hey! We're hearing Nvidia driver 378.49 has a few issues. Nvidia are working hard on a fix, but for now, we suggest you avoid the update.

      Already tried:
      Reinstalled Graphics driver
      Reinstalled Java
      Reinstalled Minecraft

      The launcher starts but when I click on Play the game doesn't start and I get the attached log. There is no game output and no other log.

        1. screenshot-2.png
          4 kB
        2. screenshot-1.png
          8 kB
          Ashwin Kotian
        3. launcher.log
          19 kB
          Daniel Ortlieb
        4. 67e2462ec1f82b40d9b8eedeb81e9f9a.png
          53 kB
          Ekain Agirre

            Unassigned Unassigned
            BroOtti Daniel Ortlieb
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            22 Start watching this issue
