Release Notes - Minecraft: Java Edition - Version 23w12a - HTML format


  • [MC-44514] - Teleporting ridden entity in unloaded chunks does not cause chunks to load for riding player
  • [MC-74955] - Fences play sound when jumping and walking/sprinting beside them
  • [MC-117809] - The sign GUI doesn't close when you get too far away from the said sign
  • [MC-157727] - The small cube in honey/slime blocks isn't displayed in inventory
  • [MC-165221] - 3D Modeled Potions are not rendered correctly in the "GUI Display"
  • [MC-167957] - Horizontally fired rockets can create footstep sounds
  • [MC-197241] - Players can change the color of a wolf's collar even if they're not its owner
  • [MC-201647] - Entity riding an entity can cause location/coordinate desync
  • [MC-209104] - Flying with elytra while inside or near blocks produces their step sounds
  • [MC-212278] - Sculk sensors do not detect signs being dyed
  • [MC-212420] - Sign dyeing sound and hand animation plays even when not consuming a dye
  • [MC-213936] - "Minecart moving" event does not trigger the right vibration frequency
  • [MC-214619] - Sculk sensors cannot detect application of ink sacs to signs
  • [MC-256488] - Bamboo Raft and Raft with Chest models float above ground
  • [MC-256551] - Baby camels have a visible inventory
  • [MC-256585] - Z-fighting occurs on the text of hanging signs
  • [MC-259201] - The tops and bottoms of donkeys' ears are miscolored
  • [MC-259879] - Display entities with a rather large shadow_radius value can cause performance issues
  • [MC-260020] - Reloading the world resets the Brown Mooshroom's given flower
  • [MC-260043] - Decorated Pots don't play breaking sound in creative mode
  • [MC-260047] - Decorated pots from the creative inventory and new blank decorated pots with no NBT will match their texture to the last decorated pot you crafted
  • [MC-260053] - When rotating a decorated pot with the debug stick, it will spawn a decorated pot item
  • [MC-260061] - Sniffer's ears and head z-fight
  • [MC-260069] - Growing cherry trees inside each other causes their leaves to decay
  • [MC-260197] - Item drop from Decorated Pot has no pickup delay
  • [MC-260240] - Sniffers that are in love sometimes don't attempt to approach one another to breed
  • [MC-260251] - The walking animations of sniffers don't change in relation to their movement speed
  • [MC-260282] - Sniffers can sniff out and follow players in spectator mode
  • [MC-260296] - Pink petal block models are not optimized
  • [MC-260301] - Decorated Pots drop from setblock/fill air replace
  • [MC-260315] - Parity Issue: Pottery Shards have different textures compared to Bedrock
  • [MC-260317] - Sniffers try to sniff out obstructed blocks they can't reach
  • [MC-260326] - Dying sniffers continue to dig
  • [MC-260409] - Cherry Grove biome is not in the #is_overworld biome tag
  • [MC-260503] - Sniffers refuse to dig into soil with a non-solid block on top
  • [MC-260632] - Riding an entity that is far away causes client/server desync
  • [MC-260678] - Potion of Invisibility looks too similar to the Potion of Slow Falling
  • [MC-260750] - Magma blocks use unnecessary random ticking for an outdated feature, causing performance issues
  • [MC-260757] - Updating a large amount of Iron Bars causes the game to hang in-game or during the Saving world screen
  • [MC-260777] - Sniffers ignore some dangerous blocks while sniffing and pathfinding resulting in them being damaged
  • [MC-260778] - Sniffer tries to sniff out blocks outside the world border
  • [MC-260779] - Sniffers can dig into blocks outside the world border
  • [MC-260799] - The word "Sand" is not capitalized in the brush subtitle
  • [MC-260839] - Mobs can replace weapons held in their main hand with armor
  • [MC-260885] - Display entities summoned with initial transformation interpolate incorrectly from default transformation during next transformation
  • [MC-260897] - Display entity's previous state of interpolation doesn't work as expected
  • [MC-261015] - Parity Issue: Suspicious Sand does not generate in ruins in a lukewarm ocean compared to Bedrock
  • [MC-262209] - Death Screen buttons appear on top of Item tooltips

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