Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)'
  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-150034

Chests does not generate very frequently or at all in the Chest Corridors in newly loaded chunks.

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.18.0
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows


      Chests will not spawn very frequently in strongholds, if any chests at all. I am referring to the ones that specifically spawn in the hallways, the libraries and storerooms have the chests as normal, but the chest corridors does not have the chests spawn where it's supposed to. (Also the spawner did not generate as well near the end portal, instead spawning in with a stone block.)

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1) Load a world up where it was before the update.

      2) Go into newer loaded chunks where a stronghold will generate.

      3) Enter the stronghold.


      Expected result:

      The chest corridor will have a chest in it.

      Observed result:

      The chest does not spawn where it's supposed to most of the time.

        1. Stronghold glitch 1.PNG
          Stronghold glitch 1.PNG
          247 kB
        2. Stronghold glitch 2.PNG
          Stronghold glitch 2.PNG
          245 kB
        3. Stronghold glitch 3.PNG
          Stronghold glitch 3.PNG
          268 kB
        4. Stronghold glitch 4.PNG
          Stronghold glitch 4.PNG
          283 kB
        5. Stronghold glitch 5.PNG
          Stronghold glitch 5.PNG
          376 kB

            MemeTrash Ronald G
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