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- MC-7046
Furnace with hopper not giving XP - MC-47832
Certain entities can't be selected by type - MC-48089
When destroyed, end portal giving "missing texture" particles - MC-70314
Tab list is case sensitive - MC-82277
Mobs that should spawn on specific biome sometimes spawn on the biome connected to it - MC-88934
Throwing Snowballs riding a Horse - MC-89938
Mobs won't attack if target isn't in the middle of a block - MC-96588
Unable to throw snowballs at target while sitting in a minecart - MC-99712
"/xp -<amount>" doesnt not work, but "/xp -<amount>L" does - MC-102896
Mobs can't pathfind through open doors. - MC-103836
Endermen glitch into adjacent blocks after a long fall - MC-109657
Hitbox doesn't match up with block when using fill command - MC-112624
Can't put flower pots on glass blocks - MC-114332
Emerald ore generation can load new chunks - MC-114396
Structure blocks create block updates, even if the block isn't altered. - MC-116864
Leaving a command blank in a chain command block results in "Unknown command." - MC-118266
placed_block trigger doesn't work with multiple blocks - MC-122297
Scrolling on a mac trackpad is extremely sensitive - MC-123008
Random ticks on pressure plates - MC-123341
Mushrooms no longer pop off when placing a block next to them while it's too bright - MC-123702
After autocompleting, first letters of namespace are highlighted instead of element - MC-125258
Preparing spawn area spams 0% - MC-126026
All types of flower pot blocks use the wrong/old key for translation - MC-127874
A water cross generated over a crevices - MC-128824
Pre-completed end portal is glitched? - MC-129492
Moving through world gradually uses up all memory, causes stuttering and crash - MC-129682
Hostile mobs don't spawn after upgrading from 18w16a - MC-130103
Worlds not unloaded - MC-130273
Sea grass can't be placed in 1 × 2 × 1 of water - MC-131121
Frequent freezes during chunk loading with default VM arguments - MC-131234
World is completely frozen and unresponsive - MC-131327
Opaque blocks at the top of subchunks (chunk sections) do not increase the world height to the next subchunk - MC-131626
End portal generates incompletely - MC-131769
/effect command displays incorrect error message when using invalid Amplifier parameter - MC-132754
Found treasure maps are empty - MC-132828
Faulty Map Loading - MC-133399
Moving Mouse Creates High Lagspikes - MC-133581
Coral fan survival conditions are the same as coral blocks - MC-133645
Poor performance on a new world with vanilla server jar - MC-133797
Optimising a world doesn't update the version and the last accessed date displayed in the world list - MC-133863
"Optimize World" screen has "world" with lowercase "w" - MC-133904
Optimizing a world throws a lot of errors
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