Resolution: Fixed
Minecraft 1.4.6, Minecraft 15w42a, Minecraft 15w47a, Minecraft 15w49b, Minecraft 15w50a, Minecraft 15w51b, Minecraft 16w03a, Minecraft 16w05b, Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release 2, Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release 4, Minecraft 1.9, Minecraft 1.9.1 Pre-Release 3, Minecraft 1.9.2, Minecraft 16w15b, Minecraft 1.9.4, Minecraft 1.10, Minecraft 1.10.2, Minecraft 16w32a, Minecraft 16w32b, Minecraft 16w33a, Minecraft 16w39b, Minecraft 16w39c, Minecraft 16w44a, Minecraft 1.11, Minecraft 1.11.2, Minecraft 17w06a, Minecraft 17w18a, Minecraft 1.12 Pre-Release 6, Minecraft 1.12 Pre-Release 7, Minecraft 1.12, Minecraft 1.12.1, Minecraft 1.12.2 Pre-Release 1, Minecraft 1.12.2
The bug
Mining lots of blocks at once by holding your mouse while equipped with a tool capable of instamining blocks (efficiency 5 diamond shovel vs dirt, for example) will leave some blocks on the server, but the client thinks they're gone.
This bug can occur on a server running 20 TPS constantly. It only occurs when the time to break a block is instant, e.g. with a diamond pickaxe on Nether rack or high-Efficiency diamond shovel on dirt. While the block in question disappears from the client's view (it is not rendered anymore and is removed from clientside collision), the server says it's still there and pushes the players' movement back when the client tries to move within the block's space. This can be a quite tricky and dangerous situation, especially when taking down a pillar below you: You fall into the ghost block again and again (many times a second) and cannot move. Client and server arrive at no consensus over whether the block is still there or not. Reloading the chunks on the client by pressing F3+A does not resolve this. It can be resolved by trying to place a new block in the old location. This of course fails server-side, the new block is not placed, but the old one reappears client-side. It can also be resolved by rejoining the server.
How to reproduce (with provided structure)
Partwise by francois137
- Download the attached structure bug_instamining.nbt
and place it in the structures folder of your world folder
- Stand on the command block, and switch your gamemode to Survival
/gamemode survival
- Press the button
- Hold down the block breaking key (default: left click) and move forward without rotating
→ The red sandstone block became a ghost-block
How to reproduce
See Ghost-block reproduction (1.12).mp4 for the video version
- Build a two block wide sandstone tower
- Give yourself an efficiency pickaxe
/give @p diamond_pickaxe 1 0 {ench:[{id:32s,lvl:5s}]}
- Move to the top of the tower and stand in the middle of the two blocks
- Switch to Survival mode
/gamemode survival
- Look at one block
- Hold down the block breaking key (default: left click) and move towards the block you are looking at
→ While falling you get stuck in a ghost block
Code analysis
Based on 1.12 decompiled using MCP 9.40 PRE 1
It looks like this bug is caused by the server thinking that the player is not on ground and therefore cannot instamine a block while the client thinks it can. This can be seen when setting a breakpoint in net.minecraft.server.management.PlayerInteractionManager.onBlockClicked(BlockPos, EnumFacing) for the specific block position where a ghost block will be (see "How to reproduce (with provided structure)") and then following the method calls to EntityPlayer.getDigSpeed(IBlockState).
For lagging servers or clients this another cause could likely be the method net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer.processPlayerDigging(CPacketPlayerDigging) which is not sending a SPacketBlockChange packet to resync the block if the block position is too far away from the player.
Suggested fix by gnembon can be found in fix_miningGhostBlocks.PNG; explanation can be found in this comment
- is cloned by
MC-156852 Ghost blocks remain when insta-mining; reappearance of MC-5694
- Resolved
- is duplicated by
MC-77303 Invisible blocks in singleplayer
- Resolved
MC-91112 Invisible mined block in the nether
- Resolved
MC-95006 invisible blocks
- Resolved
MC-95948 ghost blocks
- Resolved
MC-96740 Player gets stuck while moving
- Resolved
MC-97035 Unable to walk through a certain block
- Resolved
MC-97873 Wrong block updating (very often)
- Resolved
MC-97992 Mining netherrack with effciency iv sometimes creates invicible block
- Resolved
MC-98229 The player gets stuck when it's mining blocks so fast (Invisible blocks)
- Resolved
MC-99456 Stuck in the air after digging in survival
- Resolved
MC-99829 Nether Damage/Bounderies Bug
- Resolved
MC-100219 Efficiency IV Creates "Ghost blocks"
- Resolved
MC-100622 Diamond shovel efficiency V creates "ghost blocks"
- Resolved
MC-101205 Invisible Blocks
- Resolved
MC-101397 game froze up
- Resolved
MC-102747 Player becoming stuck/suffocating while tunneling in Netherrack
- Resolved
MC-103926 Ghost block in 1.10
- Resolved
MC-104865 Invisible block bug
- Resolved
MC-105028 Dirt and stone becomes invisible randomly
- Resolved
MC-105885 Dirt block seems to be 'mined', becomes invisible, when walked into suffocates you
- Resolved
MC-106495 netherrack glitches
- Resolved
MC-106788 Some harvested blocks disappear but are still in the way
- Resolved
MC-108541 My showel is so fast and it makes the dirt to get bugged.
- Resolved
MC-109798 Invisible block can't stay when you dig very fast
- Resolved
MC-111116 Can't walk through across certain half-slab in nether at 106 / 6.5 / -28
- Resolved
MC-112583 Invisible barrier-like glitch upon mining with Efficiency V pickaxe and Haste beacon.
- Resolved
MC-112701 Nether Walls might regenerate.
- Resolved
MC-113496 Suffocating under a tree
- Resolved
MC-114740 Invisible blocks sometimes remain after breaking, block movement
- Resolved
MC-114787 Stuck in dirt or sand Location
- Resolved
MC-116743 Block Glitching item loss
- Resolved
MC-118876 Blocks not actually breaking in safe file but no longer visible in game until after a reload. Weird glitchy hitbox remains
- Resolved
MC-119973 Invisible blocks when mining.
- Resolved
MC-120735 Bugs of velocity break
- Resolved
MC-121505 There is a bug in 1.12 versions with the speed of efficiency for the blocks
- Resolved
MC-123638 Invisible blocks remain, when mining very fast
- Resolved
MC-124500 Invisible Blocks When Destroying Blocks Too Fast
- Resolved
MC-126233 Abgebaute Blöcke unsichtbar noch vorhanden
- Resolved
MC-128164 Fix a bug with digging dirt by spade with efficiency V (sometimes blocks bugging).
- Resolved
MC-131429 Block despawn Bug with efficiency V on Diamong Shovel
- Resolved
MC-1749 You sometimes get stuck on a block
- Resolved
MC-3804 While moving, Steve 'sticks' and can't keep going.
- Resolved
MC-5286 Block Corners
- Resolved
- relates to
MC-858 Server lag in singleplayer
- Resolved
MC-271406 Blocks reappear when mined instantly
- Resolved