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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-271363

The right and left wings of a phantom cannot be independently retextured


    • Community Consensus
    • Resource Packs, Textures and models

      The right and left wings of a phantom cannot be independently retextured, resulting in them always looking the same. This is limiting to a player's creativity and ability to modify the entity's texture.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Download and apply the provided resource pack:
      2. Spawn a phantom

      Observed Behavior:

      Both the right and left wings of the phantom will look entirely red, despite the player seemingly only modifying one of the wings in the UV map.

      Expected Result:

      Only one of the wings would be altered, since that is what the player intended to change. The current behavior is unexpected and not resource pack friendly.



      For clarification sake, this also affects the 'eyes' overlay for the phantom as well, and would also need to be changed in accordance with the base phantom model.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Jingy [Helper] Jiingy
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