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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-262931

Lever texture rotates with the lever's placement direction, causing texture mismatches


    • Confirmed
    • Textures and models

      Closely relates to MC-262864. Also relates to MC-257506, MC-262866 and MC-262870.

      The bug

      The cobblestone texture on levers is rotated depending on the direction the lever is placed in when said lever is placed on the floor. This causes, among other issues, the texture to not match up when a lever is placed onto cobblestone.

      This first occurred in 14w10a - versions prior to this were completely unaffected.

      How to reproduce

      1. Stand on a block of cobblestone
      2. Look straight down
      3. Place a lever

      Expected results

      The texture of cobblestone on the lever would match up perfectly with the cobblestone block's texture.

      Actual results

      This only happens if the player/lever is facing south.

      How to fix

      A resource pack that fixes this issue entirely is attached to this ticket. The fix is admittedly rather involved, since it requires ten individual lever models rather than the two that are currently used, however it gets rid of this issue entirely. It's not possible to fix this simply via specifying uvlock, as this would also affect the texture of the lever handle.

      This resource pack also includes fixes for the issues MC-262631, MC-262864 and MC-262865, and also fixes MC-141291 due to the old naming system being entirely supplanted.

      Mojang have my full permission (and strong encouragement) to use any/all of the attached assets to fix this issue.

        1. 2023-05-24_18.02.06.png
          59 kB
        2. 2023-05-24_18.02.26.png
          59 kB
        3. 2023-05-24_18.02.56.png
          403 kB
        4. 2023-05-24_18.03.17.png
          404 kB
        5. 2023-05-24_18.07.58.png
          41 kB
        6. 2023-05-24_18.08.03.png
          336 kB
        7. 2023-05-24_18.08.53.png
          81 kB
        8. 2023-05-24_18.09.04.png
          415 kB
        9. lever-full-fix-1.20pre5-v1.0.zip
          6 kB

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            muzikbike Connor Steppie
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