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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-262870

Top and bottom textures of certain "orientable" blocks rotate according to the block's facing direction


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.19.4, 1.20 Pre-release 4
    • None
    • Community Consensus
    • Textures and models

      Closely relates to MC-257506 and MC-262866.

      The bug

      The top texture and bottom texture for certain blocks (most of which can only face the compass directions) will have a differing rotation depending on which direction the block in question is placed in. Due to the fixing of MC-257506, it is possible that some of these are not actually intended. In addition, the existence of a "non-orientable" trapdoor model, as used by oak, dark oak and iron trapdoors, in which the texture of the trapdoor is not rotated depending on facing direction, furthers this possibility.

      For affected blocks which existed at the time (dispensers, droppers, furnaces, (carved) pumpkins and jack o'lanterns) this behaviour first appeared in the 1.8 snapshots, and did not happen at all before this point. As this is an unannounced change, it is more likely to be unintended behaviour than otherwise.

      For looms, this behaviour is definitely intended, and for beehives, this behaviour is also without a doubt intended due to the resolution of MCPE-53880. However, for the following blocks, due to their top/bottom textures either being featureless, highly symmetric or largely chaotic, there is a considerable possibility that at least some of these may not be designed such that their textures rotate along with the block:

      • minecraft:pumpkin
      • minecraft:jack_o_lantern
      • minecraft:furnace
      • minecraft:blast_furnace
      • minecraft:smoker
      • minecraft:bee_nest
      • minecraft:dispenser
      • minecraft:dropper

      How to fix

      A simple fix - for each of the affected blocks, enabling uvlock in the blockstates files should fix this problem and keep the texture rotation constant.

      I've attached a fix resource pack to this ticket which fixes the eight blocks listed above. In this resource pack, I've also modified the orientable template model such that the "special" face is used on the south side rather than the north, to bring the blocks further in line with how they worked before release 1.8. This should also fix the item forms' top texture rotation in line with MC-262869. This has necessitated a change in the loom texture as well; vanilla's current faulty orientable template model configuration is likely what originally resulted in MC-146295 happening; fixing this model configuration requires that the top texture be rotated back, which this resource pack does.

      Mojang have my full permission to use this resource pack to fix this issue if desired.

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            muzikbike Connor Steppie
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