Release Notes - Minecraft: Java Edition - Version 20w13a - HTML format


  • [MC-4641] - Third level of flowing lava will not create cobblestone when coming into contact with water
  • [MC-118080] - Bows without pulling predicate animate when other bows are pulled back
  • [MC-154427] - Villagers only pick up four stacks of items
  • [MC-171003] - Crimson and Warped stairs, planks and slabs can be used as fuel in a furnace
  • [MC-171286] - Warped fences and Crimson fences don't connect with other fences
  • [MC-171484] - Shields, crossbows, bows, and fishing rods don't show their proper animations in first person mode after certain actions
  • [MC-171526] - en_us.json issue: weeping_vines and weeping_vines_plant have the same name
  • [MC-171830] - Smokers cannot be crafted using crimson or warped stems
  • [MC-172123] - Using a spawn egg on a mob without a baby variant spawns an adult mob of the same type without a weapon
  • [MC-172279] - Can't craft campfire with nether stems or hyphae
  • [MC-172307] - All loaded tileticks instantly run in the first tick after loading the chunk
  • [MC-173258] - Back of zombified piglin heads has very different texture/shading compared to the other sides
  • [MC-173367] - Arrows are floating in midair after being pushed by piston
  • [MC-173791] - Mobs dismount vehicles only in front of the boat, even if there is danger ahead
  • [MC-174368] - Minecarts can no longer eject entities into an open trap door
  • [MC-174428] - Nylium can be bonemealed underwater with seagrass above it
  • [MC-174434] - Sugar Cane, Kelp and Bamboo are in the incorrect creative inventory tab
  • [MC-174481] - en_us.json issue: twisting_vines and twisting_vines_plant have the same name
  • [MC-174510] - Stems, Hyphae, and variants do not use the Nether Wood material
  • [MC-174537] - Zombie Pigman hooves are still visible on Zombified Piglin texture
  • [MC-174642] - Hitbox of twisting vine is incorrect
  • [MC-174731] - Modifying "soul.json" (inside of "particles" folder) causes crash
  • [MC-174787] - Arrow physics don't work correctly when in a target that is moved
  • [MC-174823] - Sprinting and walking scoreboards don't update properly
  • [MC-174988] - Bee nests are brown on maps
  • [MC-175165] - Using glowstone on a respawn anchor doesn't consume it
  • [MC-175171] - Fishing bobber can get stuck on a ledge when being reeled in
  • [MC-175174] - Respawn anchor is considered obstructed if all its sides are covered or air
  • [MC-175178] - Anchor uses up the glowstone charge even though it didn't respawn you
  • [MC-175185] - No datafixer for item AttributeModifiers UUIDs
  • [MC-175191] - Respawn Anchor charging cannot be heard by other players
  • [MC-175193] - Using glowstone in the offhand does not charge respawn anchor
  • [MC-175199] - In snowy_medium_house_2, some blocks are still misrotated
  • [MC-175204] - Four misrotated blocks in snowy_masons_house_1
  • [MC-175208] - Incorrect grammar "Your have no home bed or respawn anchor, or it was obstructed."
  • [MC-175209] - Dying in a different dimension than your respawn anchor will cause the anchor to not play the depletion sound
  • [MC-175210] - Respawn anchor uses a charge after leaving the end dimension through the end portal
  • [MC-175218] - Looking at a map of an area with spruce sign, jungle sign or dark oak sign in it crashes the game
  • [MC-175219] - Respawn Anchor plays the "Respawn Point set" sound when right-clicked even when its already your respawn point
  • [MC-175224] - Nether gold ore does not yield any experience when mined
  • [MC-175239] - Villagers are generated very rarely in villages
  • [MC-175278] - Fishing near lily pads prevents players from receiving treasure loot table
  • [MC-175289] - Respawn anchor isn't in the #dragon_immune tag
  • [MC-175322] - Clicking on a fully charged respawn anchor with a glowstone block doesn't activate it
  • [MC-175327] - The crafting recipe of Polished Basalt is inconsistent
  • [MC-175514] - Villager Gossips still use old UUID NBT format (TargetMost and TargetLeast)
  • [MC-175827] - Entities not loading in structure blocks (duplicate UUID)
  • [MC-175830] - F3 + I copies UUID

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