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- MC-148185
Duplicate maps using cartography table - MC-148045
Same items types on ground don't stack together - MC-148037
Light Level decreases on Blocks as Y Level increases - MC-148031
Spectator flying slows down in solid blocks - MC-148009
Failed to load Realms module error - MC-148000
Enchanted books cannot be disenchanted with the grindstone - MC-147913
Shearing Sheep doesn't use Shears Durability - MC-147897
Riding entities down elevation deals damage on dismount (again) - MC-147884
Can't unspectate shulkers - MC-147853
Animals can not get out of water since 1.14-pre1 - MC-147799
Strange TNT behaviour - MC-147772
Horses can glitch when moving up blocks - MC-147770
Reduced speed while auto-crouching affects players in spectator mode - MC-147646
Mobs will go to village centers and attack the air - MC-147387
Ravagers with a passenger won't attack players and iron golems - MC-147363
"Villager disagrees" sound is played twice when right clicking a villager without trades - MC-147305
Player crouches with a delay - MC-146978
Hero of the Village effect obtained naturally makes the player give off particles - MC-146272
Double screen bounce with new sneak/crouch changes - MC-145952
Iron golem and villagers can leave their village - MC-145944
Villagers travel up water really quick - MC-144114
Foxes can walk/slide while sleeping - MC-144111
Foxes get stuck after pouncing - MC-144107
Miscalculation of camera position in windowed mode on Linux - MC-143585
Bell's UV/model elements are upside down - MC-142548
Lighting inside buildings too bright/patchy - MC-142134
Light sources spontaneously not working in some chunks - MC-141990
Cartography table does not update when cloning maps - MC-139446
Sky light not recalculated when blocks placed in air with /fill command - MC-139382
Stonecutter does not cull the face below it - MC-138114
Chunk loading/generation is significantly slower than 1.13.2 - MC-137935
Skeletons do not shoot player when seeking shelter from sun - MC-93132
Missing lighting updates for lazy chunks
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