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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-93897

Treasure chest missing but map is still active


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.16.10
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • PlayStation

      I have been searching for a treasure chest on my world and cannot find the chest.

      I have created a new world using the seed and coordinates and confirmed the location of the treasure chest in creative mode. However, my current survival world does not have a chest and the map is still active.

      The chest is meant to be at 328, 57, -248. But as shown from the pictures attached, I have mined out the entire area and there is no chest. I also visited another shipwreck and obtained a second treasure map which was a duplicate of the first,

      Seed: -1247870548
      Treasure chest coordinates: 328, 57, -248

        1. Minecraft Chest 2.png
          1.25 MB
          Jonathon Nicholson
        2. Minecraft Chest 3.png
          699 kB
          Jonathon Nicholson
        3. Minecraft Chest 1.png
          946 kB
          Jonathon Nicholson

            fooligun Jonathon Nicholson
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