• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.14.0
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows

      I hope I'm the only one with this problem, because this is truly devastating...  My family and I play together in a private sever (Set up on a desktop computer). When  we hoped into the server, these two locations where completely gone, we couldn't even walk over it like it wasn't rendered. This destroyed half of my father's house, and a open piece of plains. These are the only two locations I could find. Thank you for your time and interest 

        1. Minecraft 12_18_2019 6_18_07 PM.png
          827 kB
          Clayton Lee Haines
        2. Minecraft 12_18_2019 6_18_38 PM.png
          746 kB
          Clayton Lee Haines
        3. Minecraft 12_18_2019 6_19_04 PM.png
          644 kB
          Clayton Lee Haines

            Lucario47Ish Clayton Lee Haines
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            2 Start watching this issue
