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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-45295

Boat Glitch + Touch Glitch


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • None
    • 1.11.0
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Android

      There is a glitch where when you leave a boat with an entity like a friend or a mob, you will hit them by accident every time. Once I transported a very injured villager behind me on my boat on land and reached the new village. When I hopped off, the villager died because the game thinks I wanted to punch it and killed it. :/ Also: If there's an easier and cheaper way you guys can bring new kinds of transport, that would really lighten my mood! 👍
      Entities in boats can deal damage in a longer range. If my maximum hit distance is 1 block, a zombie could hi me 2/3 blocks away. The damage box is glitches out on the boat.

      There is a glitch where when I am using "Split Controls" option on. And when I try to hit an entity like a zombie, the touch wasn't responsive, it happens to me in many cases when building and fighting mainly in servers. I first thought my palms were sweaty but I quickly realised my Minecraft character turns his head on his own without me touching the screen and when I touch the screen again, it stopped glitching. Please fix this, my first encounter was very scary and now it is just plain annoying... :/

      Xbox - WorldWideDimd

            Darth_Vader_MCPE Clive Lee Johern
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