Resolution: Unresolved
- Preview, Preview, 1.17.11 Hotfix, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, RTX Beta, Beta, Beta, 1.0.3,, 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.12.0, 1.14.0, 1.14.30 Hotfix, 1.14.60 Hotfix, 1.16.0, 1.16.1, 1.16.10, 1.16.20, 1.16.40 Hotfix, 1.16.100, 1.16.201 Hotfix, 1.16.221 Hotfix, 1.17.2 Hotfix, 1.17.40, 1.17.41 Hotfix, 1.18.0, 1.18.31, 1.19.2 Hotfix, 1.19.10, 1.19.20, 1.19.30, 1.19.51, 1.19.63, 1.19.81 Hotfix, 1.19.83 Hotfix, 1.20.0, 1.20.1 Hotfix, 1.20.41 Hotfix, Preview, 1.20.51 Hotfix, 1.20.71 Hotfix, 1.20.81 Hotfix, 1.21.0, 1.21.2 Hotfix, Preview, 1.21.22 Hotfix, 1.21.41 Hotfix, 1.21.43 Hotfix, 1.21.44 Hotfix, 1.21.50, 1.21.51 Hotfix
When I am mining or pvp, my mouse will move out of the window when I look down in the game, if I click my mouse, game will pause, that really troubled me. Also it seems that this bug has been for lots of versions
- is duplicated by
BDS-4147 My mouse is moving behind my screen, thus if i look down and click something it opens that website and pauses the game
- Resolved
BDS-19837 cursor not locked to window | windows 10 edition
- Resolved
MCPE-21832 Mouse Popping Out Of Window
- Resolved
MCPE-22904 Mouse when with more than one screen sometimes goes out from first screen
- Resolved
MCPE-22969 Cursor Doesn't Lock
- Resolved
MCPE-27182 Minecraft [Win10] Windowed Maximized Mouse Glitch
- Resolved
MCPE-35148 mouse cursor go out of windows
- Resolved
MCPE-36050 Mouse Cursor is not bound to window
- Resolved
MCPE-37348 Mouse doesn't stay in window - 1.6.0
- Resolved
MCPE-37759 Cursor interacts with Win10 taskbar.
- Resolved
MCPE-37792 Mouse Glitch - Mouse Veering Off From Window
- Resolved
MCPE-39195 Mouse moves away on the second monitor
- Resolved
MCPE-40611 Bad cursor
- Resolved
MCPE-40766 Mouse out of frame
- Resolved
MCPE-46924 interference game
- Resolved
MCPE-49281 mouse is leaving minecraft tab
- Resolved
MCPE-49365 My crusor does not stay on the screen.
- Resolved
MCPE-49741 mouse lock can not to be use(minecraft windows10 edition)
- Resolved
MCPE-49758 Minecraft Windows 10 shows the task bar pauses at certain intervals.
- Resolved
MCPE-50055 Fullscreen on Windows 10 does not work properly.
- Resolved
MCPE-57236 minecraft bedrock cursor not focused
- Resolved
MCPE-58184 Window glitch on Minecraft Bedrock [Windows 10]
- Resolved
MCPE-58474 Mouse getting out of the screen even in fullscreen mode
- Resolved
MCPE-62849 When looking around with the mouse, the cursor gets out of the window and clicking pauses the game.
- Resolved
MCPE-64520 Mouse tracking issue
- Resolved
MCPE-67777 Dual Monitor issue
- Resolved
MCPE-67846 With two monitors connected, the mouse does not work properly
- Resolved
MCPE-67973 cursor dosent lock
- Resolved
MCPE-68239 The cursor leaves the game window.
- Resolved
MCPE-74259 Mouse not fixed in window
- Resolved
MCPE-76513 Game isn’t fullscreen mode. Always shows taskbar
- Resolved
MCPE-76514 Taskbar shows when looking up
- Resolved
MCPE-80720 Mouse leaves gaming window
- Resolved
MCPE-80767 Taskbar pulling up while I play
- Resolved
MCPE-81161 Вылезает панель задач при игре - The taskbar comes out when playing
- Resolved
MCPE-81773 Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Mouse Glitch
- Resolved
MCPE-82331 Minecraft Windows 10 Edition MOUSE BUG
- Resolved
MCPE-82797 鼠标控制光标会脱离游戏外
- Resolved
MCPE-90123 Mouse appears on top and bottom
- Resolved
MCPE-91236 Mouse goes offscreen
- Resolved
MCPE-91658 Minecraft Windows 10 Edition and full screen game mode
- Resolved
MCPE-91773 Taskbar (Bug?)
- Resolved
MCPE-93639 Mouse coming out of the game screen
- Resolved
MCPE-94071 The mouse cursor doesn't fit inside the window.
- Resolved
MCPE-96951 I can't play normally with this task bar bug.
- Resolved
MCPE-101187 My taskbar is popping up
- Resolved
MCPE-101567 Computer mouse goes beyond the game
- Resolved
MCPE-102658 my mouse keeps going out of game
- Resolved
MCPE-103523 Cursor does not lock behind the screen so that when i move the cursor accually moves behind the game.
- Resolved
MCPE-104171 every time either of my friends or i move our mice they end up off screen and pauses the game
- Resolved
MCPE-109292 Mouse is not fixed like Java Edition
- Resolved
MCPE-113741 Mouse bug in minecraft windows 10
- Resolved
MCPE-115334 Mouse cursor goes off the screen
- Resolved
MCPE-115601 task bar
- Resolved
MCPE-115960 Taskbar showing in game
- Resolved
MCPE-116411 Mouse Cursor moving in-game
- Resolved
MCPE-117408 Curser keeps going off screen
- Resolved
MCPE-117807 Mouse Going Out of Minecraft Window
- Resolved
MCPE-117842 Full Screen bug
- Resolved
MCPE-119006 The mouse cursor can move out of the window while unpaused
- Resolved
MCPE-127886 Full Screen Bug, goes to Menu as if ESC pressed while looking down and right.
- Resolved
MCPE-129809 Bug where the player can move the mouse pointer out of the game window
- Resolved
MCPE-133106 Mouse is able to go off of the game and click on taskbar
- Resolved
MCPE-133296 Mouse Does Not Lock While Playing In A World
- Resolved
MCPE-134172 The cursor leaves the game window.
- Resolved
MCPE-138268 the mouse moves when I play
- Resolved
MCPE-140268 My cursor wont stay on the middle of the screen.
- Resolved
MCPE-143359 Mouse goes off screen/mouse is not centered
- Resolved
MCPE-145471 Cursor Leaves Window While Playing
- Resolved
MCPE-146878 Lock mouse in application
- Resolved
MCPE-149361 Mouse leaves screen boundries when in full screen
- Resolved
MCPE-156423 Looking up or down brings up the taskbar
- Resolved
MCPE-158433 mouse cursor goes off screen and brings up the game menue
- Resolved
MCPE-159375 Title bar and Taskbar pops out in full screen mode
- Resolved
MCPE-161312 Mouse cursor isn't locked to the window for Minecraft
- Resolved
MCPE-162706 Windows Taskbar keeps popping up when swipe to bottom of screen
- Resolved
MCPE-166525 Mouse scrolls over topbar/window and taskbar midgame
- Resolved
MCPE-167875 Minecraft cursor jump into tusk bar
- Resolved
MCPE-170105 Mouse cursor is not locked in the game
- Resolved
MCPE-170934 Windows task bar appearing in full screen mode
- Resolved
MCPE-171276 Сursor bug
- Resolved
MCPE-171487 full screen and taskbar windows 10 and 11
- Resolved
MCPE-172497 My mouse can leave my minecraft window and click on the bar task. annoying
- Resolved
MCPE-177108 Cursor not in center and goes to Desktop.
- Resolved
MCPE-177842 mouse cerser leavs Minecraft
- Resolved
MCPE-178219 Mouse Cursor Abnormal
- Resolved
MCPE-178279 Cursor isn't locked to the centre of the screen
- Resolved
MCPE-178321 In a game, the mouse pointer moves out of the game windows
- Resolved
MCPE-179938 the mouse cursor appears and automatically goes to the taskbar
- Resolved
MCPE-181557 mouse will not stay in game screen
- Resolved
MCPE-181755 Mouse losing focus
- Resolved
MCPE-183023 The mouse is still there if you are in the game
- Resolved
MCPE-184686 Cursor doesn't lock to game
- Resolved
MCPE-186301 Mouse moves out of game
- Resolved
MCPE-187855 The cursor slides out of the screen while playing.
- Resolved
MCPE-187878 Mouse Doesn't get locked
- Resolved
MCPE-187897 Taskbar appears when looking down on PC while playing MCBE
- Resolved
MCPE-187957 Problem when using 2 monitors
- Resolved
MCPE-188003 Mouse cursor flying out of the screen when looking around
- Resolved
MCPE-188009 mouse cursor not syncing in with the game
- Resolved
MCPE-188166 Mouse not locked
- Resolved
MCPE-188189 Issue where your mouse still tracks across your normal screen while playing.
- Resolved
MCPE-188251 Mouse cursor goes off screen
- Resolved
MCPE-188425 Mouse Cursor goes to second monitor when unpaused
- Resolved
MCPE-188448 The curser pop up during gameplay
- Resolved
MCPE-188453 Mouse no longer correctly captured
- Resolved
MCPE-188462 Cursor goes off-screen to 2nd monitor while in-game
- Resolved
MCPE-188532 Mouse goes off screen when playing Minecraft Bedrock & Preview Bedrock
- Resolved
MCPE-188560 my cursor won't stay still.
- Resolved
MCPE-188656 taskbar appears in fullscreen
- Resolved
MCPE-188866 Mouscursor leaves game screen, making the game unplayable.
- Resolved
MCPE-188948 Mouse Cursor Not Locking to Screen
- Resolved
MCPE-188954 The mouse cursor acts like it's not in fullscreen when it is
- Resolved
MCPE-189082 The cursor does not stay in the center and leave the game window
- Resolved
MCPE-189088 The cursor does not stay in the center and leave the game window
- Resolved
MCPE-189336 The cursor moves out of the window
- Resolved