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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-181412

Nether constantly glitches


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.20.81 Hotfix
    • Unconfirmed
    • PlayStation

      This game continuously bugs every time I try to do anything related to the nether. I have lost countless worlds with hours put in just because I can't progress anymore because the nether breaks.

      In a world I no longer use because of this issue, I went into the nether and died due to mobs that surrounded the portal. I made another full set of armor and weapons and attempted to go back to the nether to try to get my things and it would show the "You Died!" screen immediately after the teleporting loading screen. The mobs were able to kill me before I was even able to move. It never stopped no matter how many times I entered the portal and the world was rendered useless because of it.

      I just made a new world and went into the nether for the first time today. It spawned me on a 50-block-high cliff that I immediately fell off of and died as soon as I left the portal, making me lose 30 levels. I then tried to go back into the portal and it refused to warp me at all. I tried to break it with my fist - nothing. I broke an obsidian block, replaced it, and relit the portal - nothing.

        1. netherless.mp4
          7.32 MB

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