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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-163717

Inventory/Large chest and crafting screen issues


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.19.40
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Android

      I have just updated to version 1.19.40 on my mobile device (Sony Xperia 5) and I am no longer able to scroll through my inventory, the contents of a large chest or the crafting screen as I used to be able to, the only way is to try and touch the scroll bar on the right side without touching the contents of the inventory/chest/crafting screen which is incredibly hard to do on a mobile phone screen and this is the only way I can play Minecraft. Also, the "all" button will not toggle in any of the crafting tabs apart from the in the "all items" tab.

      There is nothing else to do to replicate these issues other than to log into the game, I have tried re-logging and this did not rectify any of the above issues.

            Kaotis Wolf Andy Branton
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