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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-153784

Simulation distance description in the new UI is nonsensical and misleading


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • Preview, Preview, Preview, 1.20.0, 1.20.32 Hotfix, 1.21.2 Hotfix
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Multiple
    • 821246

      The text under the simulation distance selector in the new UI describes each simulation distance in terms of an "N x N block radius" (e.g. "64 x 64 block radius" for simulation distance 4). This wording is nonsense: a radius a one-dimensional measurement; "N x N" describes an area, not a radius.

      Moreover, an N x N area is much smaller than an N-radius area:
      64 x 64 = 4906
      3.14159 * 64 ^ 2 = 12,868

      Finally, assuming the intended meaning is "a N block radius", the full text is not strictly correct. "Loads and applies changes within a N block radius" is not how the game works and does not make explicit the connection to the simulation distance being chosen.

      A more accurate description would be "loads and applies changes in chunks that come within a (simulation_distance x 16) block radius." However, if the mention of "chunks" and multiplying by the number of blocks in a chunk seems too technical, it could be phrased obliquely as "loads and applies changes based on a N block radius."

            GoldenHelmet [Mod] GoldenHelmet
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