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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-168049

Hint for Simulation Distance in Create New World UI is wrong


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Preview, 1.20.0
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows

      In the Create New World (or Project) UI, Advanced settings, the hint for Simulation Distance reads "The game loads and applies changes within a range of N × N chunks from the player, where N is 16 × the setting of the distance control. This is wrong because the control setting is measured in chunks already, so it doesn't need to be multiplied, and also because "N × N" defines a square area, but the shape of the simulation area is closer to a circle.

      Steps to reproduce:
      1. In the Worlds list, select Create New.
      2. In the Create... screen, select Create New World (or Project).
      3. On the left side, click Advanced.
      4. On the right side, scroll to Simulation Distance (at the bottom) and read the hint below it.

      Expected result:
      The hint describes the size of the area where the simulation runs.

      Observed result:
      The hint describes an area of a very different size and shape.

      This hint text is a change from the previous release, where it read "The game loads and applies changes within a N × N block radius". MCPE-153784 reported this as an error because "N × N block[s]" describes an area, but a radius is a linear measurement, so they're incompatible. Apparently, an attempt was made to fix this by eliminating the reference to "radius", but in the process the problem was made worse because N is measured in blocks. Thus, substituting "chunks" for "blocks" significantly overstates the size of the area. This fix also left the implication that the affected area is square, when in fact it's roughly circular.

      A more accurate (though still not precise) way to state the setting's effect would be "The game loads and applies changes within roughly N blocks of the player", where N is measured in blocks as before.

            Auldrick [MCPE Mod] Auldrick
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