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  1. Minecraft Dungeons
  2. MCD-47

Incorrect Translations - German


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Awaiting Response
    • None
    • Dungeons Beta, Beta Update April 3,
    • Confirmed
    • 334037

      There are quite a few incorrect translations in German on Minecraft Dungeons. Minecraft Dungeons is not localized on Crowdin, so this cannot simply be changed by one of the players. For example, I have attached a screenshot of an incorrect translation in German. This appears when you pick up an item.

      • The translation of You picked up Axe is Dir hat aufgehoben: Axt. The incorrect translation here is "Dir". It's like saying "To you picked up Axe". "Dir" is the dative case of "Du". It doesn't make sense. Also, the axe being put at the end of the string is very weird. A better translation would be "Du hast Axt aufgehoben" or "Du hast eine Axt aufgehoben".
        A proper translation of this would be "Du hast eine Axt aufgehoben" and without the article it would be "Du hast Axt aufgehoben".
      • During the intro scene, there is one untranslated subtitle ("they would fail", voiceover is "der sollte leiden"; MCD-51), as well as one grammar error in a subtitle ("vom Böse verdorben", should be "vom Böse*n* verdorben").
      • "Accessibility help center" is translated as "Bedienungshilfszentrum", which seems like a very odd translation. The site it links to translates "accessibility" as "Barrierefreiheit", which would be the translation I would expect. ("Accessibility" is translated to "Bedienungshilfe" as well, which is uncommon, but not incorrect.)
      • In the "Friends" menu, "Host" is translated as "Hosten" ("to host"), while it should be "Host" (or "Gastgeber" if you want to be fancy).
      • In the key bindings menu, "Root Player" is translated as "Root-Player", which doesn't describe what it's doing. It should be "Spieler fixieren" or something like that
      • Keys in the key bindings are not translated at all "Space Bar" is translated as "Space Bar", should be "Leertaste".
      • In the Audio settings menu, "Video Volume" and its description are not translated.
      • The description of "Text to Speech" is "Available in English Only" (not translated).
      • The enchantment "Rampaging" has been translated to "Randaliert" ("Rampages").
      • In the description of some enchantments, "one" is translated as "Eins", even if it doesn't work grammatically. For instance, the description of the "Fuse Shot" enchantment contains "mit einer Zeitzündersprengladung, die Eins Sekunde nach dem Einschlag explodiert" (should be "... eine Sekunde nach dem Einschlag")
      • In the "Display/Graphics" settings, "Fastest" is translated as "Auf volle Leistung", which roughly means "at full power"... quite the opposite of what the option does
      • The translations of "Defeat the Arch-Illager on Default/Adventure to unlock" on the difficulty selection screen have a colon behind them for some reason
      • In the camp, the Blacksmith and the Wandering Trader give you something "appropriate for you level". The Blacksmith is the only one that says this: "für dein Level angemessen ist". The Wandering Trader does not mention this in German.
      • The translations of "Rewards" on the difficulty selection are inconsistent: "Die Prämien sind besser" and "Die Belohnungen sind ultrakrass.". It should be either "Prämien" or "Belohnungen", not both. Also, "ultrakrass" is a rather colloquial term.
      • Not sure if this affects all potions, but some have "Bräu" after it, instead of "Trank". (e.g. "Schattengebräu")
      • The translation for enchanted enemies is grammatically incorrect ("Verzaubert Skelett" instead of "Verzaubertes Skelett" for instance)
      • The translation of "Hero Cape" is "Helden-Cape". This Cape goes under the category of "Umhang" which is the translation of cape. The name of the Hero Cape should, therefore, be "Helden-Umhang" to be consistent with the category. The description of the cape also needs to have the word "Cape" replaced with "Umhang".
      • When looking at a weapon, there is an "area" bar indicating the reach of the weapon. The translation in German is "Gebiet", meaning "region / domain / territory". It doesn't make any sense at all.
      • "Island Realms" has been translated as "Insel-Realms". "Realms" is not a German word. At all.
      • In the story description of Pumpkin Pastures, "Village" has been translated as "Dorfbewohner" ("villager"), making the entire text nonsensical.
      • "Players Downed" is translated as "Besiegte Spieler" ("Defeated Players"), which sounds as if it would be about the amount of players the player has killed.

      This list may be incomplete...

        1. image.png
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        2. Screenshot 2020-03-28 at 12.22.38.png
          Screenshot 2020-03-28 at 12.22.38.png
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        3. Beschleunigen.png
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        4. Screenshot 2020-03-29 at 09.55.13.png
          Screenshot 2020-03-29 at 09.55.13.png
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        5. Screenshot_2.png
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        6. Screenshot_3.png
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        7. Screenshot_4.png
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        8. Screenshot_4.png
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