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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-98407

Huge texture glitch when using 1.9


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.9
    • None
    • Unconfirmed

      When starting a new world in 1.9, all textures work as usual. However, when loading a previous save, or quitting to title and reloading the new world, an intense flashing texture glitch fills the screen, we're talking invisible blocks, flashing, chinks repeated over and over, mobs huge and distorted, it looks sometimes like the world is flashing between several biomes, with trees up in the air changing from birch to oak to jungle like crazy. it makes the world useless, as the lack of rendering on most blocks makes it impossible to navigate simple areas. The attached screenshots do not do this justice, the glitching is simply manic. There are chunks flying around, weird grids in the air, blocks which you can just pass through, everything will just de-res and then just be replaced with a completely different landscape. Sometimes, the biome will be swapping to and fro like crazy, but there is just an animal standing on the actual ground, clipping through these other blocks like crazy. Even when the game is paused, the whole screen is flickering, as if the chunk is stuck between two biomes and they're competing for dominance, while you can walk across the actual ground you're just passing through these new blocks which I guess aren't really there, but they render momentarily while the normal blocks which are really in the world just turn invisible at will. I haven't been able to capture all of this in the screenshots, because everything is flashing far to quickly to press f2 at the right split second. It is genuinely hard to describe the extent of this, but I think I have been able to outline the main issues. I don't know if you will be able to recreate this, as it may just be my computer. At first I thought it only affected world which were not created in 1.9, which I could forgive at this stage, but it just consumes any save file. I've tried changing the render distance, all the video settings, but to no avail. I did fix the issue momentarily by turning the render distance to 2 chunks and staring at a wall, but after a few moments a one legged cow appeared as the biome changed to a jungle and caused the wall to disappear. When the solid blocks turn invisible like this, I can see the grey wire-frame hit box around the block, but the block itself is completely transparent.
      2016-02-29_19.45.34.png depicts a group of chickens affected by the glitch, and the other mobs meet a similar fate; enlarged, warped, improperly rendered, and in the case of some pigs on a hillside, appeared to be formed from hundreds of smaller blocks. The hit-box around the invisible but solid blocks is also visible in this image. This is also visible in 2016-02-29_19.45.41.png and 2016-02-29_19.45.47.png.
      2016-02-29_19.45.47.png Shows the sky grid of chunks previously mentioned. The landscape in this image would usually be littered with trees and a hill nearby, but instead is replaced with a repeated plain grass area, which may I add is viewed through a series of wooden plank walls.

      Slight update- I after creating this report, I noticed a similar bug had been reported, and marked as a duplicate, so I followed the duplicate link. On that page, describing something similar to what I had been experiencing, there was an official link to update old AMD drivers, which had been referred to as the cause. I followed said link and updated my AMD drivers. After a quick computer reboot, and starting Minecraft, I found that when loading a save file for the first time after starting Minecraft, the glitch did not happen, however after returning to the titles and then re loading the world, the glitch was back just as severe as before, which leads me to believe that this is a slightly different problem, not to be amended by the same means, and therefore not a duplicate and needs to be examined separately.

        1. 2016-02-29_19.45.47.png
          1.13 MB
        2. 2016-02-29_19.45.43.png
          105 kB
        3. 2016-02-29_19.45.34.png
          746 kB
        4. 2016-02-29_19.45.31.png
          990 kB
        5. 2016-02-29_19.45.25.png
          1010 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Whazzow Edward Farrar
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