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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-9400

Server crashes when attempting to change scoreboard options when a player is not in the search radius


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Snapshot 13w06a
    • None
    • Unconfirmed


      When a command block has a command which tries to alter a players score or teams and is restricted to a certain area, if a player is not in that area, then the server will crash.

      If a player is in the search area then the problem does not occur and all commands are successful.

      The crash renders any player to be unable to connect to the server until the server is stopped, "scoreboard.dat" is deleted and the server is restarted.

      The bug is very annoying and does affect gameplay as it means that a command block hooked up to a clock that is changing players scores is not possible (unless a testfor command block is placed before)

      P.S Works perfectly in SSP


      [INFO] [Tom911GT3RS: Added new objective 'Score' successfully]
      [INFO] [Tom911GT3RS: Added new team 'Blue' successfully]
      [INFO] [Console: Added 1 player(s) to team Blue: Tom911GT3RS]
      [INFO] [Console] Tom911GT3RS joined Blue team.
      [INFO] [Console: Set score of Score for player Tom911GT3RS to 0]
      [INFO] [Console: Added 1 player(s) to team Blue: @p[x=-28,y=78,z=100,r=1]]
      [INFO] Tom911GT3RS lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream


      Internal Exception: java.io.ioexception received string length longer than maximum allowed (24>16)

      P.S.S No idea why server report is displaying link :S

        1. 2013-02-08_12.09.04.png
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          Thomas Stovell
        2. 2013-02-08_12.08.42.png
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          Thomas Stovell
        3. 2013-02-08_12.00.37.png
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          Thomas Stovell
        4. 2013-02-08_11.54.16.png
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          Thomas Stovell

            Unassigned Unassigned
            tom911gt3rs Thomas Stovell
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
