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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-83236

Off hand items are held wrong


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 15w31a
    • windows 8 pro.
      java v.7 update 79
    • Unconfirmed

      items in off-hand are (almost) not in your hand, i might be nitpicking but i wanted to bring this up just so you know about it.

      UPDATE:: I tried this with the default Steve skin and then it's held correct.
      I'm using the Alex model so apparently only women are affected by this disease...

      UPDATE:: The virus is spreading!
      Endermen seem to have caught the same disease ( the poor souls ). ;w;

        1. 2015-07-29_18.00.14.png
          360 kB
          christophe degraeve
        2. 2015-07-29_18.00.16.png
          569 kB
          christophe degraeve
        3. 2015-07-29_18.00.18.png
          612 kB
          christophe degraeve
        4. chickens in pain.png
          1.25 MB
          christophe degraeve
        5. ender01.png
          1.53 MB
          christophe degraeve
        6. ender02.png
          1.05 MB
          christophe degraeve

            Unassigned Unassigned
            evil_comrad christophe degraeve
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