Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft: Java Edition'
  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-8146

piston needs block update to function normally but no bud is trying to be made


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Snapshot 13w03a
    • None
    • sandstone redstone other pistons
    • Unconfirmed

      i will include a file of the world. the effected piston with the bug is inside the mechanism with the blue arrow on top. I placed 4 glass cross around the area to observe effected piston and I placed a piece of glass underneath the effected piston. pressing the button surrounded by glass 2 times ensures the glitch is visible. I apologize for the complicated way of reporting this glitch, but i do not know how to explain it simpler.

        1. villages.dat
          0.1 kB
        2. snodgkins.dat
          0.7 kB
        3. session.lock
          0.0 kB
        4. r.2.-4.mca
          12 kB
        5. r.2.-3.mca
          96 kB
        6. r.1.-4.mca
          312 kB
        7. r.1.-3.mca
          2.69 MB
        8. r.1.-2.mca
          8 kB
        9. r.-1.-1.mca
          40 kB
        10. r.1.-1.mca
          8 kB
        11. r.-1.0.mca
          12 kB
        12. r.0.-4.mca
          8 kB
        13. r.0.-3.mca
          8 kB
        14. r.0.-2.mca
          8 kB
        15. r.0.-1.mca
          40 kB
        16. r.0.0.mca
          12 kB
        17. level.dat_old
          1 kB
        18. level.dat_mcr
          0.4 kB
        19. level.dat
          1 kB
        20. Effected Piston.png
          Effected Piston.png
          386 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            snodgkins nicholas hodgkins
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
