Resolution: Works As Intended
Minecraft 1.4.2, Minecraft 1.4.5, Minecraft 1.4.6, Minecraft 1.4.7, Snapshot 13w01a, Snapshot 13w01b, Snapshot 13w02a, Snapshot 13w02b, Snapshot 13w03a, Snapshot 13w04a, Snapshot 13w05a, Snapshot 13w05b, Snapshot 13w06a, Snapshot 13w07a, Snapshot 13w09a, Snapshot 13w09b, Snapshot 13w09c, Snapshot 13w10a, Snapshot 13w10b, Minecraft 1.5, Snapshot 13w11a, Minecraft 1.5.1, Minecraft 1.5.2, Snapshot 13w18c, Snapshot 13w19a, Snapshot 13w23b, Snapshot 13w24a, Snapshot 13w24b, Snapshot 13w25a, Snapshot 13w25b, Snapshot 13w25c, Minecraft 1.6.1, Minecraft 1.6.2, Minecraft 1.11.2, Minecraft 17w17b, Minecraft 17w18a, Minecraft 17w18b, Minecraft 1.12
What I expected to happen was...:
Pistons should only extend when powered by a block that updates them. Blocks that are not touching the piston should not power it (touching diagonally is OK).
In this image, the pistons should accept any power from the green blocks, check to see if the orange blocks would notify it before accepting power from them, and not accept power from any of the stone blocks:
What actually happened was...:
Pistons extend when blocks are providing power to the block above them, even if they don't update the piston. In this case, the piston must be updated by another method in order to extend or retract.
Example of odd effects this has: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqU0Kmb_bFA
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Place a piston.
2. Put a block on top of it.
3. Put another block on any exposed face of that block.
4. Put a lever on the block you just placed and flip it.
5. Notice that the piston doesn't extend.
6. Place or break any block directly next to the piston.
7. Notice that the piston extends.
8. Flip the lever off.
9. Notice that the piston did not retract.
10. Place or break another block directly next to the piston.
11. Notice that the piston retracts.
Edit: Image now allows for more interesting new types of redstone components and less invasive implementation.
Discussion in regards to this report, such as its functionality, usefulness, and comparison with a "BUD Block" (should one be added to the PC edition)Â an observer, is to be done on the subreddit.
- is duplicated by
MC-5393 Pistons stay activated
- Resolved
MC-5727 Piston stays extended after pushing redstone block
- Resolved
MC-5781 vertical piston bug w/ redstone block
- Resolved
MC-5782 Redstone block and piston glitch
- Resolved
MC-5832 Redstone block bug
- Resolved
MC-5840 redstone block keeping piston arm extended when unpowerd
- Resolved
MC-5855 Redstone block placed 2 blocks above a piston will cause a BUD
- Resolved
MC-5857 Piston staying powered when redstone block removed.
- Resolved
MC-5858 RedstoneBlock causes BUD
- Resolved
MC-5880 Sticky Piston + Redstone block = sticky piston not retracting
- Resolved
MC-5884 After pushing Redstone Block with a Piston upwards you cant retract it.
- Resolved
MC-5899 Extended piston pushing redstone block stays extended when power is gone
- Resolved
MC-5954 Vertically placed extended pistons receive power when pushing a redstone block
- Resolved
MC-5955 Redstone torches' placed block powers some redstone devices
- Resolved
MC-5988 bug with pistons and redstoneblocks
- Resolved
MC-6022 Redstone Block Piston Bug
- Resolved
MC-6025 Pistons stay powered after redstone block removed
- Resolved
MC-6058 Pistons are powered by blocks that are two blocks above them.
- Resolved
MC-6063 Redstone block and piston bug
- Resolved
MC-6078 When 3 redstone blocks are place on 3 sticky pistons the middle piston powers.
- Resolved
MC-6152 Piston stay extended ans block seems to stay powered
- Resolved
MC-6156 Sticking Piston pushing Redstone Block in the UP direction only will stay extended
- Resolved
MC-6183 Pistons Remain powered while pushing redstone blocks (Upwards and stacked)
- Resolved
MC-6209 glitch
- Resolved
MC-6213 Vertical Piston with Redstone block don't go back.
- Resolved
MC-6298 a piston facing to a block with redstone torch on it, the piston activates
- Resolved
MC-6314 Piston not depowering when Redstone Block is 2 blocks above it.
- Resolved
MC-6341 Pistons stay extended when using with redstone torches or daylight detectors.
- Resolved
MC-6347 Piston still active when signal is broken
- Resolved
MC-6360 In Piston
- Resolved
MC-6373 glitchy pistons with redstone BLOCKS.
- Resolved
MC-6471 bud with pistons and redstone block
- Resolved
MC-6494 Redstone Block gives redstone signal to piston below air
- Resolved
MC-6533 Bug with pistons in redstone snapshot
- Resolved
MC-6545 Redstoneblock powers Piston beside Piston w/ Redstoneblock
- Resolved
MC-6547 has a bug where a piston is placed beneath a block of a block redstone the piston remains active and activated
- Resolved
MC-6595 piston does not retract with a redstone block on top after receiving a redstone signal from the side
- Resolved
MC-6708 Pistons, Redstone Blocks, and Block Updates
- Resolved
MC-6759 (Sticky) upward extended piston gets power from the redstone block it is pushing.
- Resolved
MC-6837 Upward facing piston pushing redstone block does not retract until redstone block is broken
- Resolved
MC-7070 RedStone Block
- Resolved
MC-7166 Signal strenght, piston BUD and inconsistent behavior (activating when it shouldn't, not in all cases)
- Resolved
MC-7236 Redstone block glitch
- Resolved
MC-7332 Improper Redstone Circuitry
- Resolved
MC-7474 Pistons facing upwards don't retract when pushing redstone blocks but when facing other directions they do.
- Resolved
MC-7523 Piston gets activated when placing any block next to it
- Resolved
MC-7593 Piston Extend Glitch
- Resolved
MC-7604 Redstone torch powering blocks oddly around it
- Resolved
MC-7690 Piston does not retract when it has a redstone block on top
- Resolved
MC-7919 redstone block activates pushin-up piston
- Resolved
MC-7953 Piston Can't Retract
- Resolved
MC-7957 Piston pushing redstone block bug
- Resolved
MC-8002 Intermittent redstone system malfunction fixed by operating other redstone circuits...
- Resolved
MC-8016 redstone block inadvertently triggers sticky pistons its not connected to
- Resolved
MC-8105 Redstone Blocks and Pistons
- Resolved
MC-8121 a redstone block should not be able to activate something else like a piston by itself if you don't had activated it whit a button or some thing like that!
- Resolved
MC-8146 piston needs block update to function normally but no bud is trying to be made
- Resolved
MC-8306 Piston and Redstone Block
- Resolved
MC-8321 Redstone blocks stuck on a piston.
- Resolved
MC-8366 Piston not updating after redstone block is removed
- Resolved
MC-8400 Redstone block and piston not updating
- Resolved
MC-8441 Bug with block of redstone
- Resolved
MC-8551 Piston Locked On
- Resolved
MC-8580 A Piston Facing up will accepts power from block its pushing
- Resolved
MC-8649 Pistons stick extended with comparators
- Resolved
MC-8764 bug redstone cube + piston
- Resolved
MC-8924 Incosistent redstone block - Powering piston but not a redstone lamp or redstone dust
- Resolved
MC-8993 Sticky piston won't pull redstone block powering another piston
- Resolved
MC-9199 Sitcky Pistons Not Retreating
- Resolved
MC-9219 Piston monostable circuit vertical with redstone block glitch
- Resolved
MC-9241 Wireless piston bug
- Resolved
MC-9343 Piston powered diagonally
- Resolved
MC-9450 Pistons
- Resolved
MC-9589 piston stays out in some redstone block situations
- Resolved
MC-9833 Redstone blocks with pistons facing up
- Resolved
MC-9849 Pistons being powered by nothing.
- Resolved
MC-9983 stickypiston glitch
- Resolved
MC-10029 Resstone block on a piston
- Resolved
MC-10211 Redstone not powering pistons right. NOT A DUPE OF OTHERS.
- Resolved
MC-10259 redstone bug
- Resolved
MC-10384 Piston won't retract when a redstone signal is passing over the extension.
- Resolved
MC-10535 Piston Being Powered From Incorrect Places
- Resolved
MC-10609 Pistons bug
- Resolved
MC-10626 Piston Still Powered with redstone block and removing redstone lamp
- Resolved
MC-10639 Error on Redstone circuit.
- Resolved
MC-10745 BUG
- Resolved
MC-10775 Extended Piston - Redstoneblock Bug
- Resolved
MC-10779 A redstone block can power a piston 2 blocks below it
- Resolved
MC-10794 possibly directional tripwire hook piston retraction failure
- Resolved
MC-10813 3 piston extension on single block power
- Resolved
MC-10888 piston wont get back when lever is off!!
- Resolved
MC-10899 Redstone bug involving pistons and redstone blocks
- Resolved
MC-10939 Piston glitches in new snapshot
- Resolved
MC-11160 Dispenser/Dropper can't fire by obique powered block
- Resolved
MC-11162 Dropper/Dispenser stuck on powered??
- Resolved
MC-11168 Pistons powering when not redstone current
- Resolved
MC-11184 Redstone Block bug with sticky pistons
- Resolved
MC-11186 Levers and Buttons don't power Dispensers and Droppers properly at y+1 from Dispenser/Dropper
- Resolved
MC-11222 problem with pistons...
- Resolved
MC-11237 Pistons activating on wire 2 blocks above
- Resolved
MC-11244 There still is some redstone update bug in redstone contraptions
- Resolved
MC-11304 Pistons stay extended by pushing Redstone Blocks
- Resolved
MC-11368 Piston not retracting
- Resolved
MC-11378 Sticky Piston & Redstone Block
- Resolved
MC-11394 Pistons doesn't contracts when pushing a Redstone block up
- Resolved
MC-11461 Button powers dispenser from 3 blocks down when a chest in placed under it
- Resolved
MC-11480 Redstone Block on front of sticky pistons emitting signal when its extended
- Resolved
MC-11483 Piston stays extended while power is cut
- Resolved
MC-11528 Piston Bug 1.5
- Resolved
MC-11556 Piston in Piston Door Doesn't Update
- Resolved
MC-11597 Redstone Block causes Piston to Remain Powered in Upward Position
- Resolved
MC-11644 Redstone on slab
- Resolved
MC-11901 Pistons sometimes need block update to switch positions
- Resolved
MC-11957 Powering a piston from above, will also power adjacent pistons
- Resolved
MC-11977 Piston Not Retracting with Daylight Sensor
- Resolved
MC-12014 When placing 2 pistons next to each other, and a block with a button on top of one, both pistons will trigger.
- Resolved
MC-12024 pistons
- Resolved
MC-12065 Opened piston bug
- Resolved
MC-12073 Redstone Block + Pistons(Both) Vertical
- Resolved
MC-12198 Pistons powered by non-adjacent block
- Resolved
MC-12224 Weird Redstone
- Resolved
MC-12262 when standing on a pressure plate and placing a piston 2 blocks down piston extends but when you get off and back on it will not extend again
- Resolved
MC-12301 Piston glitch with block of redstone
- Resolved
MC-12351 Redstone block wont stop powering stickypiston
- Resolved
MC-12433 Triggering of dispensers behaves differently/inconsistently when they contain a water bucket
- Resolved
MC-12519 major red stone block glitches
- Resolved
MC-12603 Blocks of Redstone power Sticky Pistons from Above
- Resolved
MC-12634 Sticky piston gets power when it should not
- Resolved
MC-12639 Redstone Block + Sticky Piston / once activated piston won't deactivate
- Resolved
MC-12720 Repeaters pointed into a glass/air block above a dispenser powers the dispenser.
- Resolved
MC-12768 redstone glowstone/upsitedown halfslap bug
- Resolved
MC-12814 Dispenser/Dropper BUD
- Resolved
MC-12818 Pistons are stucked
- Resolved
MC-12824 Dropper don't drop items (resolved)
- Resolved
MC-12839 Pistons and redstone blocks
- Resolved
MC-12862 piston stays powered
- Resolved
MC-12891 Dispencers and hoppers
- Resolved
MC-13006 Piston powered diagonally by powered block.
- Resolved
MC-13068 Piston quasiconnectivity when pushing up redstone blocks
- Resolved
MC-13126 Piston Not Turning Off
- Resolved
MC-13174 Piston/Invisible Redstone Current bug (VERY ANNOYING)
- Resolved
MC-13253 Redstone Blocks above Pistons fail to retract vertically
- Resolved
MC-13288 Pistons diagonally powering other pistons and not retracting when power source is removed
- Resolved
MC-13352 Piston retraction/extension bug with diagonal pressure plate
- Resolved
MC-13358 piston powered form too far away by redstone block
- Resolved
MC-13407 Red stone blocks diagonally power pistons.
- Resolved
MC-13506 Piston extending without power
- Resolved
MC-13508 Piston Extends when Unpowered
- Resolved
MC-13516 Piston Activating without a valid source
- Resolved
MC-13566 Sticky piston staying extended
- Resolved
MC-14380 Piston with redstone block on top will get stuck
- Resolved
MC-14406 some pistons remains active
- Resolved
MC-14408 Dropper/Dispenser Inconsistency With Power
- Resolved
MC-14458 redstone block & piston issues
- Resolved
MC-14670 Redstone block "locking" pistons in extended position
- Resolved
MC-14793 Sticky Piston wont retract with redstone block attached above
- Resolved
MC-14877 Bug Piston
- Resolved
MC-15208 Piston
- Resolved
MC-15211 Airblock transports RS signal
- Resolved
MC-15219 Pistons get powered incorrectly
- Resolved
MC-15333 Piston expands even when its not powered
- Resolved
MC-15461 Redstone Block activating Pistons through Air Blocks.
- Resolved
MC-15929 redstone blocks being pushed upward with sticky piston will not retract back down
- Resolved
MC-16027 daylight sensor not working right/piston/redstone block
- Resolved
MC-16302 BUD switch
- Resolved
MC-16403 Piston stays open bug
- Resolved
MC-16740 Piston extends by redstone not touching it
- Resolved
MC-17004 blocks powering pistons diagional to them
- Resolved
MC-17028 Redstone torches and Pistons
- Resolved
MC-17071 Few piston bugs
- Resolved
MC-17182 Redstone Block/Piston Bug
- Resolved
MC-17535 Piston+Redstone block
- Resolved
MC-17637 Redstone and piston bug.
- Resolved
MC-17745 Verticle Powered Piston With Redstone Block on top won't deactivate when other powersources are gone
- Resolved
MC-17972 Pistons not turning off
- Resolved
MC-18103 Sticky piston not retracting when powered by repeater running into cobblestone
- Resolved
MC-18305 Pistons are still extended...
- Resolved
MC-18591 Sticky piston with a restone block as payload will not retract
- Resolved
MC-19294 redstone blocks and pistons
- Resolved
MC-19768 Piston locks it's self up when pushing a redstoneblock with a piece of redstone next to it
- Resolved
MC-19918 Piston update block bug/glitch
- Resolved
MC-20016 Piston is powered in mid air
- Resolved
MC-20640 Pistons sometimes remain extended after being powered from above.
- Resolved
MC-21835 Redstone Blocks and Pistons Not Updating
- Resolved
MC-22455 Pistons
- Resolved
MC-23097 Redstone Block and Piston extending Downwards
- Resolved
MC-23656 Redstone Going Through 2 Blocks
- Resolved
MC-24437 Pistons are given power wrongly
- Resolved
MC-24734 stupid piston glitch
- Resolved
MC-24935 Pistons get powered from extension when extended.
- Resolved
MC-25521 Sticky Piston And Redstone Block Bug
- Resolved
MC-25553 Pistons don't work properly
- Resolved
MC-25596 Minecraft up-facing piston/sticky piston pushing redstone block stays on
- Resolved
MC-26014 sticky piston not retracting by inverted redstone signal.
- Resolved
MC-26650 Piston stuck
- Resolved
MC-27180 Dispenser constantly active while not directly receiving power
- Resolved
MC-27319 Piston not retracting when it's arm is powered
- Resolved
MC-27564 A Piston With A Redstone Block On Top Of It Stayed Extended Instead Of Retracting.
- Resolved
MC-28060 Piston staying extended in certain conditions
- Resolved
MC-28069 Using a lever on an top side halfslab powers piston below it.
- Resolved
MC-28233 Piston does not retract under certain circumstances
- Resolved
MC-28443 Piston improperly powered by repeater
- Resolved
MC-28524 redstone broken
- Resolved
MC-28541 Piston powered when above air block is powered
- Resolved
MC-28883 Piston extents without current
- Resolved
MC-29244 Redstone Block powers nonadjacent blocks (Beneath itself)
- Resolved
MC-29276 Piston gets powered
- Resolved
MC-29322 Piston gets stuck with a short redstone pulse.
- Resolved
MC-30854 Piston Redstone Bug
- Resolved
MC-31018 Redstone power propagates *down* under certain conditions
- Resolved
MC-31556 Pistons stay in on position when there is no signal.
- Resolved
MC-32781 Sticky Piston Extends without Power Source
- Resolved
MC-33486 Redstone to dispenser bug
- Resolved
MC-34372 piston head & redstone
- Resolved
MC-36979 It is a weird redstone glitch. When i put a piston and above that a block of air(00) and then a redstone block or a block that has redstone on top of it the piston gets powered and extends.
- Resolved
MC-37391 The piston did not deactivate when when the redstone block was destroyed and another was placed on the redstone block.
- Resolved
MC-38049 Piston Power Bug
- Resolved
MC-38909 Piston: Will not retract when stacked vertically
- Resolved
MC-38939 Redstone signal being passed through glass
- Resolved
MC-40585 Redstone bug
- Resolved
MC-40967 Repeater powering Air block on top of piston
- Resolved
MC-41015 Pistons always extended when torch is present
- Resolved
MC-41252 Odd BUD behavior when a redstone torch is diagonal to a piston
- Resolved
MC-41752 Pistons interact with redstone a signal even when interaction shouldn't be.
- Resolved
MC-41831 Pistons need to update to retract
- Resolved
MC-42184 Redstone Block powering upward-extending Piston
- Resolved
MC-42219 redstone pistions detect power where there is none
- Resolved
MC-42303 I have a piston, getting no power that will randomly open. Sometimes when I power, then unpower it it will close, but that only happens 10% of the time.
- Resolved
MC-43611 Strange vertical dropper behaviour
- Resolved
MC-44520 NOT Gate / Inverter doesn't effects a piston.
- Resolved
MC-45174 Redstonetorch-Bug
- Resolved
MC-45425 Piston Extending
- Resolved
MC-45601 Dispenser being powered when they shouldn't
- Resolved
MC-46135 Redstone Bugs in minecraft 1.7.2
- Resolved
MC-46205 Redstone torch powers dispenser/pistons incorrectly
- Resolved
MC-46231 shitings bug
- Resolved
MC-46275 5 pistons and redtone block glitch
- Resolved
MC-46888 "klebriger Kolben"
- Resolved
MC-47074 Piston extends with not redstone
- Resolved
MC-47304 Dispensers do not always dispense.
- Resolved
MC-47383 Faulty Redstone Behavior for Dispensers
- Resolved
MC-47579 Sticky Pistons not pulling redstone blocks
- Resolved
MC-47709 Piston becomes stuck in extended state after unpowered
- Resolved
MC-48808 piston error
- Resolved
MC-49005 Redstone block keeps powering sticky piston...
- Resolved
MC-49056 Redstone blocks power diagonally
- Resolved
MC-49602 Piston Redstone Block
- Resolved
MC-49800 Vertical Redstone Piston-RedstoneBlock system
- Resolved
MC-50211 Sticky pistons wont pull redstone blocks down but will push them up, will pull and push fine in every other direction
- Resolved
MC-51225 Wrong piston reaction
- Resolved
MC-51271 Redstone Glitch
- Resolved
MC-51405 Pistons
- Resolved
MC-52197 piston was being actived in a wrong way
- Resolved
MC-52272 Sticky Piston powered forever with redstone block
- Resolved
MC-52288 1 Block Wireless Redstone Bug
- Resolved
MC-52895 Trap Chest is bug
- Resolved
MC-53006 piston dont retract
- Resolved
MC-53144 Non powered blocks power pistons. This might be the diagonal block thing people were talking about, but I'm not for sure. This could be a duplicate of MC-108, but I don't entirely understand that one.
- Resolved
MC-53657 Dropper/Dispenser not firing
- Resolved
MC-53984 Piston activates without any power connection
- Resolved
MC-54079 Weird piston alimentation bug
- Resolved
MC-54108 Powered block powers pistons inconsistently depending on position relative to the block
- Resolved
MC-54176 Sticky Piston Randomly Activated
- Resolved
MC-54179 Pistons not updating correctly
- Resolved
MC-54475 Pistons
- Resolved
MC-54491 Piston turned on/stays on without redstone touching it
- Resolved
MC-54555 piston keeps extended
- Resolved
MC-54686 Pistons Not Updating Under Certain Circumstances
- Resolved
MC-54717 piston is activated by redstone block incorectly
- Resolved
MC-54728 Pistons receiving power
- Resolved
MC-54751 Second Layer of Pistons get Powered by top
- Resolved
MC-54831 Weird piston acting when powered diagonally
- Resolved
MC-54931 Piston remaining extended
- Resolved
MC-55012 Unpowered piston still powered despite no powered blocks within several meters
- Resolved
MC-55061 Dropper and dispenser not powered correctly by redstone torch
- Resolved
MC-55513 Unusual piston and redstone block glitch
- Resolved
MC-56036 pistons can be activated with s block update and powering the block two blocks above it
- Resolved
MC-56494 Sticky Pistonwith Block of redstone And Inactivated Redstone
- Resolved
MC-56557 Piston Extending when it shouldn't
- Resolved
MC-57588 New Piston Update bug
- Resolved
MC-58139 Sticky piston won't deactivate when 2 blocks under redstone block
- Resolved
MC-59372 2 piston and 1 redstone on column, 2 piston activity ?!
- Resolved
MC-59548 block update through air
- Resolved
MC-59644 Redstone Blocks Preventing Sticky Pistons From Retracting.
- Resolved
MC-60618 Dispenser receiving power from 2 blocks above or from moving block?
- Resolved
MC-61562 Piston won't retract
- Resolved
MC-63177 Weird redstone behavior
- Resolved
MC-63947 Pistons, Droppers and Dispensers detecting redstone signal 2 blocks above.
- Resolved
MC-64676 Pistons working differently in different positions
- Resolved
MC-64677 Pistons update bug
- Resolved
MC-65252 Redstone Block powers Piston through Air (vertically)
- Resolved
MC-65254 Redstone Block powers Piston through Air (vertically)
- Resolved
MC-67217 Piston powered by thin air.
- Resolved
MC-67230 Pistons Not Retracting When Powered Redstone Is Diagonal From Them
- Resolved
MC-68336 Sticky-Pistoned Redstone Block Orientation-Based Inconsistencies
- Resolved
MC-69260 Placing a piston 2 blocks under a Redstone block activates it
- Resolved
MC-69433 Pistons interact wierdly with block updates and redstone blocks
- Resolved
MC-69571 Redstone Blocks act strange
- Resolved
MC-69796 Piston remains in active state with no input
- Resolved
MC-70543 pistons don't update in conjunction with tripwires
- Resolved
MC-70885 Redstone-block and piston bug.
- Resolved
MC-70928 Redstone Activates Dispenser when it Shouldn't
- Resolved
MC-72128 Redstone bug with pistons
- Resolved
MC-72133 Pistons are powered by redstone 2 blocks vertically above the piston
- Resolved
MC-72500 Piston physics are f*cked up
- Resolved
MC-72689 Torch Aside to Piston Bug
- Resolved
MC-73439 Slabs emit power to the block below
- Resolved
MC-73542 Pistons don't update when given a there power source is removed by slime blocks
- Resolved
MC-73756 Redstone glitch
- Resolved
MC-73835 Powered block holding a button does not trigger a dispenser correctly
- Resolved
MC-74695 wall-floor torch behavior with buds
- Resolved
MC-74994 Activated Piston without Redstone connection
- Resolved
MC-76820 When sticky/regular pistons push redstone blocks, they don't retract upon being "turned off"
- Resolved
MC-76917 sticki pistion ent piston
- Resolved
MC-76919 scicki pistion en piston
- Resolved
MC-77235 Blocks being powered by redstone 2 blocks above it and 2 blocks behind it
- Resolved
MC-78099 Pistons are powered, but not updated, through opaque blocks 2 spaces above them
- Resolved
MC-78600 Piston not retracting as they should - redstone issue?
- Resolved
MC-78771 Piston Bug
- Resolved
MC-78887 Ghost Redstone Block's Piston Powering
- Resolved
MC-79385 Piston shouldn't be powered.
- Resolved
MC-79441 Redstone Piston Bug
- Resolved
MC-79499 Piston won't retract (not budded)
- Resolved
MC-79544 Piston bud effect from redstone update order
- Resolved
MC-79966 Redstone power transfers through air
- Resolved
MC-80121 Block Update Glitch
- Resolved
MC-80330 piston and redstone block bug
- Resolved
MC-80848 Pistons don't always extend when redstone is pointing in the block on top of it.
- Resolved
MC-81223 Pistons activate when repeaters point to the empty block above them
- Resolved
MC-81562 Redstone powering when it shouldnt be able to
- Resolved
MC-81838 Piston is activated with no redstone signal
- Resolved
MC-81909 Piston Issue
- Resolved
MC-82196 Piston and Redstoneblock
- Resolved
MC-82238 Up Side / Down Side Piston BUG
- Resolved
MC-83991 i cant delete this.
- Resolved
MC-84673 Redstone Blocks power air blocks
- Resolved
MC-86785 Piston stays extracted when pushing redstone blocks!
- Resolved
MC-87743 When I place a redstone block on top of a piston, then power it with another redstone block, then remove that redstone block, the piston remains extended for no reason.
- Resolved
MC-89572 Pistons stay extended without redone signal(for particular ones)
- Resolved
MC-89579 Pistons always active without redstone near them
- Resolved
MC-91144 Redstone blocks tend to activate pistons two blocks below.
- Resolved
MC-91401 Pistons powered from too high
- Resolved
MC-91426 redstone dropper problem
- Resolved
MC-92066 Upside down sticky piston power glitch
- Resolved
MC-92500 When you stack 5 sticky pistons on top of each other and place redstone blocks on the sticky side, then place down anything beside the bottom piston, they will all pulse for no reason at all
- Resolved
MC-92750 Pistons facing up don't retract when pushing a redstone block
- Resolved
MC-93331 Pistons Don't Unextend Unless They Receive A Block Update
- Resolved
MC-94378 Pistons not updating
- Resolved
MC-94584 Sticky Piston stays extended with no power source
- Resolved
MC-94739 Dispenser not shooting (with pics)
- Resolved
MC-95390 Pistons move even though the signal is apart/removed
- Resolved
MC-95924 Dispensers not firing properly
- Resolved
MC-96025 Piston with Unpowered Rail below it, Piston does not retract
- Resolved
MC-97368 Sticky pistons failing to update with end rods attached
- Resolved
MC-97726 Redstone and Piston Bug
- Resolved
MC-97914 Wireless-Powered Piston
- Resolved
MC-98103 Bug
- Resolved
MC-98806 Piston does not get updated on retract
- Resolved
MC-98965 Piston powered permenantly
- Resolved
MC-99315 Block Update not working properly with piston looking down
- Resolved
MC-100065 Pistons Sometimes Remain Powered after Redstone Source is Removed
- Resolved
MC-100153 Piston stays extended without power source
- Resolved
MC-100797 Piston movement fail
- Resolved
MC-100819 Piston glitch
- Resolved
MC-101281 Quasi BUD Piston Powering
- Resolved
MC-101438 Pistons stay active without redstone and don't get updated unless a completely different redstond power is turned off
- Resolved
MC-101676 Redstone torch's bug with piston and dispenser/dropper
- Resolved
MC-101720 Piston and Sticky Piston activate if redstone block is 2 blocks above it.
- Resolved
MC-101929 Droppers not activating when powered under certain conditions
- Resolved
MC-102527 Sticky piston issue.
- Resolved
MC-103454 as you can see not supposed to be activated piston
- Resolved
MC-103519 Weird Redstone
- Resolved
MC-104634 redstone torches activate pistons with air.
- Resolved
MC-104774 Pistons Can Be Powered Diagonaly
- Resolved
MC-104859 piston under redstone block
- Resolved
MC-104985 Two pistons would not retract.
- Resolved
MC-105150 Dispenser Not Working Some of the Time
- Resolved
MC-105426 Piston Bug
- Resolved
MC-105531 Placing a redstone block on any piston facing up and powering the piston then depowering will keep the piston on
- Resolved
MC-105564 Minecraft Piston Bug
- Resolved
MC-105747 Bug Switch
- Resolved
MC-105937 Dispenser Not Firing With Redstone Dust
- Resolved
MC-106188 piston bug
- Resolved
MC-106517 piston and redston block bug
- Resolved
MC-106624 Active/extended piston without redstone signal.
- Resolved
MC-106654 BUD Odd behavior with Droppers and Dispensers
- Resolved
MC-107231 lever bugs
- Resolved
MC-107595 Piston activating
- Resolved
MC-107901 Piston
- Resolved
MC-108153 Piston is invalidly powered.
- Resolved
MC-108745 Observers don't detect the on/off of a button/preasure plate when next to a dropper/dispenser
- Resolved
MC-109316 Repeaters, comparators and observers quasi-power pistons, droppers and dispensers.
- Resolved
MC-109512 Redstone block and piston bug
- Resolved
MC-109538 Piston / Redstone update issue
- Resolved
MC-109872 Observer does piston bug
- Resolved
MC-111256 Dispenser/dropper powered by redstone block adjacent to block above
- Resolved
MC-111259 Dispenser/dropper budded when redstone block is pulled to block above dispenser/dropper
- Resolved
MC-112075 The sticky piston doesn't work in one direction
- Resolved
MC-112151 Pistons activate when there's a one block space between an overlying redstone block
- Resolved
MC-112410 Observing a dispenser has inconsistent behavior in a vertical configuration
- Resolved
MC-112779 Upward T Flip-Flop Error
- Resolved
MC-113092 Piston Up and Down
- Resolved
MC-113694 Piston powered underneath a Hopper
- Resolved
MC-114077 Breaking or Placing Block powers Piston
- Resolved
MC-114139 redstone and pistons
- Resolved
MC-114190 Dropper doesn't fire when signal provided by own comparator pushing piston with redstone block
- Resolved
MC-114329 phantomly powered droppers
- Resolved
MC-114488 Piston still active with unpowered redstone Torch
- Resolved
MC-114813 Sticky Piston downwards generates BUD Switch
- Resolved
MC-115263 Bugged Piston
- Resolved
MC-115317 Pistons don't retract.
- Resolved
MC-115642 Extracted unpowered pistons in minecraft vanilla 1.10.2 +
- Resolved
MC-116171 Redstone Bug
- Resolved
MC-116708 Dispenser won't dispense
- Resolved
MC-116744 Redstone block power the piston from one block
- Resolved
MC-116805 Unexpected redstone / block update behavior when implemented in a timer+automatic farm design
- Resolved
MC-117127 bud powering droppers
- Resolved
MC-117170 symmetrical system doesn't work symmetrically
- Resolved
MC-117507 Redstone activating block underneath
- Resolved
MC-117967 The piston stays powered when the top of the piston head is powered
- Resolved
MC-118370 Bug with pistons, redstone, and blocks.
- Resolved
MC-118431 unexpected Piston behaviour
- Resolved
MC-119281 Piston Recieves Redstone Current From Nowhere
- Resolved
MC-119469 piston bug
- Resolved
MC-119480 Strange behavior with droppers
- Resolved
MC-119514 Placing a piston 2 blocks beneath a readstone block will power it
- Resolved
MC-120191 Remote Piston Powering
- Resolved
MC-120308 redstone signal powers pistons two block below
- Resolved
MC-120618 Sticky piston stuck in extended position after triggering other piston
- Resolved
MC-120725 redstone and piston glitch
- Resolved
MC-121189 Dropper is activated under incorrect conditions
- Resolved
MC-121469 Piston doesn't update when Redstone Torch is unpowered
- Resolved
MC-122792 Redstone powers unattached Pistons I name it = "Redstone Aura" bug
- Resolved
MC-123337 Permanent extended Piston without redstone input
- Resolved
MC-123358 Piston Updates Incorrectly
- Resolved
MC-123682 bud pistons...
- Resolved
MC-125873 Pistons powered from piston arm
- Resolved
MC-126561 Sticky piston activating from a redstone torch that is diagnoaly left or right on a wall.
- Resolved
MC-126632 Piston/Redstone Block Contact Bug(?)
- Resolved
MC-126686 Sticky Pistons are activated by Redstone Blocks in weird ways.
- Resolved
MC-127898 redstone torch works one block above a piston
- Resolved
MC-128371 the piston operates without a signal redstone
- Resolved
MC-128859 Powering top piston of stacked pistons activates both
- Resolved
MC-129072 Piston Triggers with Redstone Block One Block Above It
- Resolved
MC-130390 Redstone Bug
- Resolved
MC-131950 When you put a red stone on top, turn off the red pistons on both sides of the pistons, and the pistons will always open
- Resolved
MC-132101 Pistons being powered by a redstone block which breaks Toggle Circuits
- Resolved
MC-132489 Piston Glitch
- Resolved
MC-132921 Dispensers not firing / firing some times
- Resolved
MC-133201 Pistons stay extended
- Resolved
MC-133317 Droppers in an observer/dropper item elevator require a block update to continue functioning properly
- Resolved
MC-134679 Pistons (sometimes) do not retract without block update
- Resolved
MC-134687 1.13 Piston Glitch
- Resolved
MC-134932 Pistons pushing redstone blocks up gets powered by it
- Resolved
MC-135100 Piston stays pushed while there is no redstone.
- Resolved
MC-137234 Piston moves while redstone torch is far above
- Resolved
MC-137778 Possible piston powering bug - Don't know if its on purpose
- Resolved
MC-138135 Piston is still powered when redstone torch is off
- Resolved
MC-138392 Piston activating when it should not activate.
- Resolved
MC-138763 Sticky pistons powered from pushing/pulling face by redstone block
- Resolved
MC-138958 Piston powering problem
- Resolved
MC-140169 [1.13.4] Vertical Piston Extension Bug [MINECRAFT]
- Resolved
MC-140688 Observers somehow powering piston
- Resolved
MC-141656 Piston activation by redstone torch
- Resolved
MC-141761 Piston Does not detect Block Update
- Resolved
MC-141822 Sticky Pistons facing downwards
- Resolved
MC-143193 Droppers act unexpectedly when given different inputs
- Resolved
MC-143808 Piston Redstone bugs
- Resolved
MC-146887 Wireless red stone
- Resolved
MC-148439 The redstone block sends power improperly
- Resolved
MC-149022 piston constant block update
- Resolved