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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-67644

The whole world render goes crazy


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 14w33c
    • None
    • Unconfirmed

      I don't even know how to explain this issue, the best way would be a picture, which I posted.

      It all started when I look up in the redstone section of my servers spawn, the image used to store all the different particles was clipping around the ceiling.

      Then I go outside and see chunks off in the distance rendering strangely, I thought this was simply an issue with my render distance, but after changing the distance setting the entire Minecraft world starts going crazy.

      After restarting the game the issue was resolved, but it was very strange indeed.

      Yet it happened a second time, only this time it was even stranger, as you can see in the images below a vortex of spinning black objects ( spinning around an unknown axis ) started flying around my screen, along with the strange chunk renders.

      I tried to reproduced this issue a third time by messing with the visual settings but no render glitch, it seem to be completely random. On another note before I ran the snapshot profile and ran into this issue ( the second time, not the first ) I ran a modded profile, running Minecraft Forge, GLSL Shaders mod and Optifine.

        1. 2014-08-15_20.25.18.png
          859 kB
        2. 2014-08-16_10.58.40.png
          517 kB
        3. 2014-08-16_10.58.52.png
          467 kB
        4. 2014-08-16_10.59.04.png
          399 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Izach Isaac
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