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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-270806

Hand animation plays when attempting to use a spawn egg inside of a projectile's hit collision


    • Confirmed
    • Player Animation

      When the player tries to use a spawn egg in a position that is blocked by a projectile's hit collision (not it's hitbox, but the box used for hit/deflection detection), the entity will not be spawned but the hand animation plays. This issue closely relates to MC-208427 MC-223023 MC-167039 and may be the same core issue, but was reported standalone.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Summon a fireball above the player
        /summon minecraft:fireball ~ ~2 ~
      2. Try and spawn an enderman below the fireball, using a spawn egg

      Observed Behavior:

      The entity is not spawned, but the hand animation plays.

      Expected Behavior:

      The player would either be able to summon the entity properly through the collision box, or the entity should not be summoned and the hand animation would not play.




      As stated above, related to MC-208427 MC-223023 MC-167039

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Jingy Jiingy
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