Resolution: Duplicate
Mac OS, java 20
So I was messing around with the debug stuck and I noticed it doesn't power the Powered rails. I also believe the stick won't power other redstone things but I am only reporting the rails.
To test this, get a line of at least one powered rails( I had three but I tested with one rail), and try to use the debug stick on it.
It will say powered = true, but nothing happens. I even tested if it was a texture issue by running a Mine-cart on them, but the Mine-cart wouldn't move at all.
If means anything, I am playing on java 20, not java 21, and I know that 1.20.4 is supposed to be played on java 21, so if that is the issue, please comment that if thats why.
- duplicates
MC-193404 Changing a powered or activator rail to powered using a debug stick or /setblock does not work
- Resolved