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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-268620

Breaking a block on the surface resets the sky light level to 15


    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      Using a plugin I set the sky light level to zero at night (this plugin was made by some one else) . When I break/place a block with sky light access its light value is reset to 15, this makes the block act like a torch which breaks immersion.

      This affects 1.20.1 and above (haven't tested with 1.20)

      This is not a problem on 1.19.4

      I talked to the dev, he said its a client side issue


      Steps to reproduce

      1. Setup a paper 1.20.1 server
      2.  Install DarkerNights plugin version 2.5.2
      3. Set the time to night
      4. Wait for sky light level to drop to zero 
      5. Break/place a block and observe the result

      Attached are screenshots to demonstrate the effect.

      Note versions newer than 2.5.2 will compensate upon block breaking/placing by resetting the sky light back to 0. This creates an annoying flicker.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            utc.serverthroug utc.serverthroug
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