Resolution: Fixed
23w51a, 23w51b, 24w03a, 24w09a, 24w11a, 1.20.5 Pre-Release 1
- Give yourself some netherite boots with this command:
item replace entity @p armor.feet with minecraft:netherite_boots{display:{Name:'{"text":"Step-boots","color":"#0FF82E","italic":false}'},AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.step_height",Name:"generic.step_height",Amount:2.0,Operation:0,UUID:[I;1024845256,1045783364,1007170712,1113454942]}]}
- You can only move while sneaking: (where x is step_height)
- when there are x+1 solid blocks below you (for x <10)
- when there are 10 solid blocks below you (for x >= 10)
- is duplicated by
MC-267436 Cannot move while sneaking when player's generic.step_height ≥(Collidable block's hitbox total height under the player)+1.5
- Resolved
MC-267564 Low scale attribute prevents movement on small blocks
- Resolved
MC-269098 Players with increased step_height values cannot move sneaking on thin floors
- Resolved
MC-269542 Can't move while sneaking with altered step height
- Resolved
MC-270722 Players are not prevented from walking off edges while sneaking if attribute generic.step_height is higher than n and if there are n block steps
- Resolved
- relates to
MC-270748 In the air(not flying), players behave the same as on the ground while sneaking if there is a block in the space equal to the hit height extending from {generic.step_height=n≦10→(n),n>10→10} blocks below
- Resolved