Resolution: Fixed
1.20.5 Pre-Release 1
How to reproduce
- Set your own attribute generic.step_height with a positive integer and generic.gravity with 0, for example, execute these commands on the chat:
/attribute @s minecraft:generic.step_height base set 6
/attribute @s minecraft:generic.gravity base set 0
- Place a block in the space from the number of your current attribute generic.step_height x 1 blocks below to 1.5 blocks above it.
- Try to go over that edge when there is a block where you are standing by moving while sneaking. (Then this happens)
- Change location and place a half block (up) generic.step_height x 1 - 1 blocks down.
- Again try to go over that edge when there is a block where you are standing by moving while sneaking. (Then this not happens)
- Execute this command on the chat:
/attribute @s minecraft:generic.step_height base set 11
- Place a block in the space from 10 block below to 1.5 blocks above it.
- Again try action in 3. (Then this happens again)
- Repeat the actions in 1.
- Execute this command on the chat:
/attribute @s minecraft:generic.scale base set 0.5
- Place a block generic.step_height x 1 - 1 block down.
- Again try action in 3. (Then this not happens)