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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-265955

The crafter does not update correctly


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 23w42a
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Creative
    • (Unassigned)

      I designed a system to enable the creation of blocks for all recipes that allow it using 9 identical items.

      I maintain a signal strength of 8 with the composter on top to prevent state changes detection from the observer and premature triggers before it is filled with 9 blocks.

      How to reproduce:

      • Set up the system as shown in the image.
      • Set the composter to the maximum (8).
      • Manually fill the crafter with iron ingots to create the block
      • Walk on the string next to the comparator or clic inside the crafter

      What is supposed to happen:

      • The crafter fills up.
      • Creates a signal of 9.
      • Activates once to create the item.
      • The signal returns to 8, and this loops.

      What is happening:

      • The comparator remains stuck on a signal of 9 even though the crafter is empty and should revert to 8.
      • The update occurs only with the next item passing through, triggering a new pulse.
      • This creates an item too early.

      This continues until a manual update of a block next to the comparator, which should not happen. So the issue is coming from the crafter.

      Passing over the string a first proves nothing is happening before. The manual update unlocks the situation but creates a second pulse that is not supposed to exist. In the system, this activates the crafter too early and creates nuggets.

        1. 2023-10-19_22.06.26.png
          527 kB
        2. 2023-10-19 22-52-24.mp4
          7.05 MB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Birmioh Birmioh
            2 Vote for this issue
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