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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-263587

Please apply a new open source Hangul font for Korean Minecraft players.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • None
    • 1.20.1
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      I recently released a new open source Hangul (Korean alphabet) font and hope Mojang include it in the new version of the official Minecraft java package for Korean Minecraft players. The default Korean font in Minecraft, which is from Unifont, is too thin and difficult to discern in the game. The new font is available as a resource pack now and makes the text much easier to read in the game. It can be downloaded in a github page.


      The font can be included in any product with no copyright issue because it is developed from scratch and I released it with every resources used to generate it under MIT License. The resource pack includes about 11172 textures for Hangul Syllables in 11 png files and including it would increase size of the package by only a few hundred kilobytes, I guess. The increasing size can further be reduced to about 5 kilobytes by implementing a simple composition algorithm if you want since all of 11172 fonts are just combination of two or three of 255 base fonts. Please refer to the python script I used to generate the textures.


      The function composeChar(), which finds suitable base glyphs and combines them, is the only thing that should be implemented to reduce the size to less than 1/100. If you do not want to add a special treatment for Hangul Syllables, you can just choose to include all the textures for every Hangul Syllables included in the resource pack.

      If you have any questions, you can find contact information in the github page.

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