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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-258737

piston stays powered without redstone signal


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.19.3
    • Operating system: Windows 10
      Java version: Java 8 (update 351)
    • Unconfirmed
    • Creative
    • (Unassigned)

      using the piston trick that if a sticky piston is given a pulse shorter than 3 game ticks, it leaves the block behind, i created a small contraption that makes a button function like a lever. i used this mechanism in a piston elevator i'm creating, and it suddenly doesn't work

      Steps to Reproduce:

      open Minecraft: Java Edition 1.19.3 and enter a world

      create mechanism shown in first image, or follow these instructions:

      (assuming you are facing north)

            1) place 2 connected redstone dust, 1 east/west of the other,  connected to 2 repeaters, facing north from the dust. set the east-most repeater to 2 ticks, and leave the other at 1.

            2)place a sticky piston connected north of the east-most repeater, facing west.

            3)place a (solid) block to the west of the piston, so that it will push it, and the west-most repeater leads into it

            4)place a repeater, facing north, to the north of the previously placed block. at this point you have made a pulse shortener.

            5)place a sticky piston, facing east, to the north of the previously placed repeater so it leads into the piston

            6)place a redstone block to the east of the piston, so the piston will push it

            7)connect a button to either redstone dust placed in step 1. you have created the mechanism


      Observed Results:

      pulse shortener works, piston extends, leaves behind block, but then is powered again, even though there is nothing to power it.

      Expected Results:

      pulse shortener shortens pulse to less than 3 ticks, second piston leaves block behind


      before pressing button:

      after pressing button:

      video: https://imgur.com/a/k8OtOjz


      edit: this still happens in a newly created world, i have found with trial and error the redstone dust my crosshair is on is the problem:


      (outdated) the bug is happening in a redstone heavy world, and works fine in a newly created world. I set my render distance to 2 so the other redstone in the world would be unloaded, but the issue persisted. unfortunately this may not be considered a bug, so sorry bug checkers, but I don't know where else to put it other than maybe the subreddit.

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