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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-258498

Incorrect world generation for large biome worlds.


    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      Worlds with the large biome setting no longer generate as a larger version of the seeds default world, as of 1.18.

      How they used to work/should work:
      "Large Biome worlds are generated as Default worlds, but scaled 16x (multiplied by 4 along the X and Z axis), causing the biomes of the Overworld to be expansive. A Default and Large Biome world sharing the same seed will be the same overall geographically."

      This mechanic was centered on 0 0, meaning given the same seed, a large biome world and a normal world would have the same biome at 0 0. They would also have the same biomes at 4X 4Z and X Z for large biome worlds and default worlds respectively.

      Now, if you find a good world you want to play on, but you want to have larger biomes, you can't because the ONLY correlation between the worlds are the same neather and end. This is not WAI, but a gamebreaking bug for people that want to play on large biome worlds, are selective about their worlds, and care about the seed.

      Now if it would be too much work to fix this, but a way to change the surface biomes to work like they used to but keep the cave biomes independant of eachother, I would be fine with that.

      Just please adress this issue, because I miss the game.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            MrMidget_ Axel
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