Resolution: Fixed
1.16.3, 20w45a
The bug
When function tags are in a particular configuration, certain functions don't run when you would expect them to. I attached a data pack with the least amount of files needed to reproduce. This configuration has 2 function tags and 2 functions. When loaded it is expected to print two messages in chat, however the observed behavior is that only b:load runs.
#minecraft:load -> #c:a -> a:load "say load A" -> b:load "say load B"
It depends on the names of the tags and functions whether or not the bug will happen!
For example, renaming #c:a to either #c:load, #minecraft:a or #a:load will not cause this bug!
{ "values": [ {"id": "#c:a", "required": false}, "b:load" ] }
{ "values": [ "a:load" ] }
say load A
say load B
How to reproduce
- Download the attached data pack mc-201840.zip
and install it in a world
- Run /reload
Observe that only "load B" is printed
- Do one of the following actions
- Replace "required": false with "required": true
- Rename #c:a to #c:load (and update reference in #minecraft:load
Observe that both "load A" and "load B" are printed