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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-199530

Villager pathfinding broken


    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      So I've been seeing villagers try to go somewhere and then they stop and turn around and end up being in a loop of going back and forth. This is most clearly seen at night time when the villagers try to find a bed (as seen in the video). Also, villagers will sometimes all try to go for one bed which ends up making there be like 5 villagers surrounding a bed.


      EDIT: I've done the test without doors and realized it is 100% due to the doors. When I removed the doors the villagers went to the beds perfectly with no trouble. So, the real problem is villagers going to open doors to get to stuff.

        1. 2020-09-03_15.55.58.png
          554 kB
          Pelle Reinke
        2. 2020-09-03_16.00.39.png
          666 kB
          Adam Heaney
        3. 2020-09-03_16.18.56.png
          620 kB
          Adam Heaney
        4. 2020-09-03_17.50.43.png
          2.50 MB
          Adam Heaney
        5. Minecraft 1.16.2 - Multiplayer (LAN) 2020-09-03 00-14-52_Trim_Trim.mp4
          6.28 MB
          Adam Heaney

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Machooey Adam Heaney
            1 Vote for this issue
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