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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-159709

Dropers not powering then they are supposed to.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.14.4
    • None
    • windows 10 64 bit r7 2700X, GTX 1060 java IDK it was on a server and in a single player then I tried

    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      Then messing around thith a droper related redstone thing I stumbled across thins bug. We had two dropers to one we had a comparetor pointing directly in to it. When the comparetor got powered the item did not move and the both of the hopers read trigerd=True. when powering droper nr 2 it moved. Then having a powered redstone dust 2 above and one to the side of the droper it moved the item. even if the droper read: triggered=false. then placing a redstone toarth above droper 2 the item in it did not move to droper one, but a item moved from number one to 2. I found this realy wierd and that it was not intentional. The droper shuld not be powered by the redstone torch or the dust in the other example

        1. 2019-08-24_22.10.02.png
          365 kB
          Vilhelm Bergqvist
        2. 2019-08-24_22.16.36.png
          555 kB
          Vilhelm Bergqvist

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Vancia100 Vilhelm Bergqvist
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