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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-132213

Some rare biome "Oceans" occupy a chunk in the plains.(Need to open the debug screen)


    • Unconfirmed
    • Creative

      the 3 report

      Put the summary of the bug you're having here

      This loophole looks a bit wrong, and I notice the grass cube texture

      I was transported at a distance from the birth point, where a loophole occurred. But there will be no sea in the plain.

      What I expected to happen was...:

      There will be no "sudden" flaw in a straw cube material. There is no beach here.

      What actually happened was...:

      In the 1 chunk, this is a "sea", and I have seen no sand "beach" groups near the edge of the map, and there is a light green grass block.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1.Put a step by step guide on how to trigger the bug here

      2.Create the world, select the seed -831438243221475643

      3.please loading world 

      4.When the load is finished, please use command: X:-7046 Y:82 Z:-4771 ( /tp -7046 82 -4771 or /tp @p -7046 82 -4771)

      5.Look at the grass square below

      6.opened show debugscreen

      The following can be tried (this is to open the debug screen)

      7.open chunkedge (F3+N),then run edge nearby(please inside),then go to chunk outside

      (more accurate steps) 8.Move towards the X:-4783.999(ocean biome)of the block boundary and then go to X:-4784.000 (ocean biome) and then to X:-4784.001(Plains biome) (try teleport command)

      Summary: This loophole is rarely noticed, because the loophole is relatively rare and needs to be seen in the distance to see the grass cube (I have 8 screenshots as attachments)

      Look at it after you see it MC-132234

        1. biome bug_chunk.png
          biome bug_chunk.png
          953 kB
        2. biome-bug.png
          746 kB
        3. Problem Biome! Plains In Ocean..png
          Problem Biome! Plains In Ocean..png
          1017 kB
        4. x-fighting_02.png
          574 kB
        5. x-fighting.png
          575 kB
        6. Z-fighting_01.png
          434 kB
        7. Z-fighting_02.png
          433 kB
        8. Z-fighting_03.png
          430 kB

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