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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-102235

Server has a different character limit to single-player command blocks.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.9.4
    • None
    • When using version 1.9 and in a server entering more than 31181 characters into a command block and clicking done crashes the game. Single player works perfect otherwise with it's limit being 39000 characters.
    • Unconfirmed

      I have an issue that when I put a command inside a command block that's 39000 characters long, the game crashes. More specifically it crashes when I click done.



      Here's an image of the error client side.

      Here's a still image of the same error but as a still image in case you want to read it,

      If you'd like to try it for yourself on your server to see it's the same then you can make a command here. https://bimbimma.com/minecraftmurals/ I used the default in this example.

      Here's the server side error log

      ^21:50:56 [Error] io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: String too big (was 33684 bytes encoded, max 32767)
      21:50:56 [Info] PLAYERNAME lost connection: Disconnected
      21:50:56 [Info] PLAYERNAME left the game.^

      Here is the error log on a vanilla server with no client mods or server plugins.

      ^22:09:02 [Info] Starting minecraft server version 1.9.4
      22:09:02 [Info] Loading properties
      22:09:02 [Info] Default game type: CREATIVE
      22:09:02 [Info] Generating keypair
      22:09:03 [Info] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
      22:09:03 [Info] Using epoll channel type
      22:09:03 [Info] Preparing level "world"
      22:09:03 [Info] Preparing start region for level 0
      22:09:04 [Info] Preparing spawn area: 21%
      22:09:05 [Info] Preparing spawn area: 80%
      22:09:06 [Info] Done (3.144s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
      22:09:07 [Info] UUID of player flyinggoatman is fa4d50af-afc9-4bbe-8578-054035e64c39
      22:09:07 [Info] flyinggoatman[/XX.XX.XXX.XX:XXXXX] logged in with entity id 287 at (-89.31567197349298, 69.0, 216.89652576529346)
      22:09:07 [Info] flyinggoatman joined the game
      22:09:13 [Error] io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: String too big (was 33684 bytes encoded, max 32767)
      22:09:13 [Info] flyinggoatman lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
      22:09:13 [Info] flyinggoatman left the game
      22:09:27 [Info] UUID of player flyinggoatman is fa4d50af-afc9-4bbe-8578-054035e64c39
      22:09:27 [Info] flyinggoatman[/XX.XX.XXX.XX:XXXXX] logged in with entity id 288 at (-89.16557651581064, 69.0, 216.96753748257746)
      22:09:27 [Info] flyinggoatman joined the game^

      Something is added to the command when it runs on the server. I'd like to know what the changes are but commandBlockOutput dose not show the full command but just the parts of it.

      The limit for single-player is 39000. the limit for servers is 31181 though. Any ideas would be much aprecu

        1. 12.png
          108 kB
          Thomas Kirk Gautier
        2. 12.gif
          729 kB
          Thomas Kirk Gautier

            Unassigned Unassigned
            flyinggoatman Thomas Kirk Gautier
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