Release Notes - Minecraft: Java Edition - Version Minecraft 17w45b - HTML format


  • [MC-80400] - Sizelimited entity selectors (@e with c=1,@r with type=!entity) in commands prefer players
  • [MC-87799] - /execute detect functions inconsistently with semi- (snow layer, grass path, soul sand, farmland) blocks
  • [MC-98244] - Same UUID infinite times possible + changing UUID possible via entitydata
  • [MC-106681] - Scoreboard teams leave doesn't work if first player fails
  • [MC-111704] - You can input any value in [old block handling] of setblock and fill
  • [MC-114721] - title command treats invalid second argument as "title"
  • [MC-117933] - /clone command treats invalid optional arguments as if they were default
  • [MC-121623] - Cannot use namespace in type= for selectors
  • [MC-121627] - @s fails to build valid commands
  • [MC-121635] - Incorrect failed /fill result message
  • [MC-121637] - Incorrect result message when teleporting a single entity
  • [MC-121642] - "Optional" commands following conditional execute chain succeed/fail strangely
  • [MC-121647] - JRE Fatal Error when joining multi-player server
  • [MC-121650] - Tab auto-completion is case-sensitive
  • [MC-121655] - Incorrect message when teleporting single entity
  • [MC-121656] - Some creative commands are available by a survival player with cheats disabled
  • [MC-121660] - distance argument can't find players with @a, @p or @e[type=player]
  • [MC-121663] - Gamerules are copying from other worlds
  • [MC-121674] - Execute doesn't work in Functions
  • [MC-121683] - -= isn't a valid operation in scoreboard players operation
  • [MC-121686] - Execute unless always fails on entities
  • [MC-121695] - Tellraw only supports 1 target
  • [MC-121711] - @a or @s doesn't include dead player
  • [MC-121726] - Only players can teleport with relative coordinates
  • [MC-121727] - execute on multiple entites cancels, once one command fails
  • [MC-121728] - The order, in which execute runs the command for each entity, is in reverse
  • [MC-121749] - /entitydata does not apply modified NBT data
  • [MC-121765] - Removing n scoreboard points adds them instead
  • [MC-122085] - Generating server icon leaks encoded data buffer
  • [MC-122397] - title and tellraw inconsistent JSON parsing

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