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- MCPE-188585
Some pause menu buttons don't appear in the Cartoon, Halloween, and Steampunk resource packs - MCPE-188547
Magma Cube texture broken with some marketplace resource packs - MCPE-188522
Game crashes if you try to open the dressing room or marketplace while offline. - MCPE-188517
Game crashes when opening the Dressing Room or Marketplace - MCPE-188460
Filter Profanity option is listed in the Pause section - MCPE-188259
The eyes of creakings aren't visible when creakings have the invisibility effect - MCPE-188040
Some suspicious stew's effect duration is still different from Java - MCPE-178461
Client-Side Chunk Caching Error Leading to Block Entity Anomalies - MCPE-176407
Can't place blocks on interactable blocks when flying down on mobile - MCPE-168029
Cherry leaves prevent tree growing - MCPE-167790
Bamboo generates with top piece having smaller width than lower ones - MCPE-153748
Mangrove swamps are much less dense in Bedrock than in Java - MCPE-152452
Sweet berry bushes do not generate in the Old Growth Pine Taiga and Old Growth Spruce Taiga biomes - MCPE-141447
Meadows generate incorrect decorations - MCPE-141364
World generates less grass compared to Java Edition - MCPE-139903
Meadows generates less grass and flowers in Bedrock Edition - MCPE-122695
Sunflowers are flickering when moving - MCPE-121983
After y = -10 the heights of the screen edges darken - MCPE-102412
Sunflower slightly glitches after X/Z ±262,144 - MCPE-91452
Z-fighting when looking at lily pads from a distance and at certain angles - MCPE-91033
Twisting Vines and Weeping Vines drop rate is not affected by the Fortune enchantment - MCPE-76004
Dispenser unable to place Shulker Box under water - MCPE-74879
Some Nether Brick variants don't have the new sounds - MCPE-36429
Named banner loses name when broken
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