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Ancient Guardian's mines can be killed, resulting in massive XP gainMCD-6159
There is a hole impossible to leave in Radiant RavineMCD-6086
Hitting a thorns-enchanted mob with Sponge Striker's 3rd combo hit deals massive damageMCD-6046
Merchants don't sell Turtle Armor or Squid ArmorMCD-6000
Luck of the Sea can add a "Unique" label to Common itemMCD-5979
Arrows get stuck on Geomancer pillars and still do damageMCD-5974
Soul Lantern and Wonderful Wheat tooltip shows 0 summon damageMCD-5939
Ranged Dynamo stacks do not reset with a Firework Arrow, Torment Arrow or Exploding CrossbowMCD-5935
Ridiculous damage on the last attack of the Sponge Striker's comboMCD-5808
Character upload DLC dialogue occurs with Baby Pig and Sinister cape cosmeticMCD-5667
Black Untextured Blocks In Jungle AwakensMCD-5637
Blue key stuck on the other sideMCD-5600
Ancient Mob icon is not appearing after completing an Ancient HuntMCD-4840
All Poisonous Skeletons & Zombies in the Jungle awakens DLC appear as Enchanted with poison
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