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  1. Minecraft Realms
  2. REALMS-7779

Add on packs not listed as active and cannot be properly removed in Realms Plus


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.16.220 (Bedrock)
    • None
    • iOS, Switch
    • Unconfirmed
    • Bedrock

      We added the hattori add on pack. This worked for a while but then started to crash on all Nintendo switch units. When inspecting the realm add ins no custom packs were listed as active so we could not remove it. Tried re adding but still never listed as active. Not listed as active in iOS either.

      When deleting it from the cache in settings - storage and responding NO when prompted to download the realm is playable on switch, but with a bunch of kids playing this is not optimal.

      How do we find a place to properly deactivate the hattori pack from our realm (and other misbehaving packs in the future)?

      I've attached some screens of relevant mentioned stuff

        1. image-3.jpg
          3.68 MB
        2. image-1.jpg
          2.90 MB
        3. image.jpg
          3.83 MB

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            YogAnnoying Mads Nissen
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