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  1. Minecraft Realms
  2. REALMS-5372

Keep being kicked out of realms


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.16 (Java Edition)
    • None
    • java version.
    • Unconfirmed
    • Java

      Whenever i try join my friends realm i am kicked out minutes if not seconds later. The error codes that appear are sometimes different and sometimes the same, they consist of:

      -Internal Exception:io,netty.handler.codec.DecoderException:Badly compressed packet - size of (this is random each time) is below the server threshold of 256
      -Disconnected (this one is very rare but i dont have bad ping or internet)
      -Internal Exception:io,netty.handler.codec.DecoderException:Badly compressed packet - size of (this changes but is usually incredibly high) is larger than protocol maximum of 2097159
      -Internal Exception:io,netty.handler.codec.DecoderException:java.util.zip.DataFormatExeption: incorrect header check
      -Internal Exception:io,netty.handler.codec.CorruptedFrameExeption: length wider than 21-bit

      These were the different errors i recorded in around about 10 minutes, mind you they were every 1-60 seconds intervals with me joining and being kicked out with the error. i have tried troubleshooting minecraft java and the installer, i have uninstalled and reinstalled the game and even removed it on my firewalls. i have also deleted all my antivirus. nothing has helped. this happened once or twice on a server but never as worse than on realms. its ruining game play and i have almost perfect ping and internet on my gaming pc. this has never happened before the last two weeks and it was fine for the first three days i joined the realm. id say half way through the third day these errors started happening.

      Its making the game unplayable and i seriously don't know what to do. please help me fix this.

      P.S i think my FBI agent is messing with me at this point.

        1. 2020-08-23 (2).png
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          cheese mcgee
        2. 2020-08-23 (3).png
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          cheese mcgee
        3. 2020-08-23 (4).png
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          cheese mcgee
        4. 2020-08-23-1.png
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          cheese mcgee

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            fabtabulousfi cheese mcgee
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