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  1. Minecraft Realms
  2. REALMS-3840

Loading Resource Packs


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.14.60 (Bedrock)
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Bedrock

      My friend has created a Realm Plus on Xbox One Bedrock Edition and its been up for nearly a week now, and the first 2 days it was up i joined it without an issue, then recently (the last 3 days) when i tried to join it it just stays on 'Loading Resource Packs' and after about 10-15 minutes goes to 'Unable to connect to world'. Sometimes, on the odd few occasions though, when it lets me join im frozen to other players but i can walk around and see them move as well as take damage to things, and interact with doors etc but they dont produce a noise. When my brother brings his xbox into my room also, he can join the realm without a issue, so i dont see why i can't. I've reset my internet countless of times, ive even relocated my xbox too. I'm not in the BETA version either so that doesnt seem to be the problem. I dont believe the game is corrupted due to the fact i have reinstalled it like 10+ times. I hope there is a fix for this as it is super annoying.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            AngryMonkeyMan9 Toby King
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