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  1. Minecraft Realms
  2. REALMS-3661

Resource Packs not activating mo matter what on realms


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.14.60 (Bedrock)
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Bedrock

      Alright, so I'm going to start with where I think the biggest issue with this whole situation starts: I paid for and installed Minecraft off of the Windows 10 Microsoft Store, and I've had it (Minecraft) for some time now.

      Today (5/9/2020) I paid for Realms (2 player / 2 friends version, I have yet to invite friends yet because i want to get this to work). Well, as I was getting it (Realms) set up I saw that it had some cool "Resource packs", called Ore - Coal v1 all the way through Ore - Diamond v2 all by someone named Hideous Jacket (Tynker). Note: I had a friend who added me onto their real who had this resource pack active and it worked, yet again I have no clue what version they were using. 
      So I activated them, figuring, since they are all individual then I must have to activate them for them to work (I know how resource packs work, I have used them previously and have had 0 troubles.) 

      Loaded up my Realm and began exploring that was until I came upon some coal and noticed that it looked different from the resource pack.
      That's when I started to think, "Maybe I did something wrong and didn't activate it right?" Weird thing to think since it's literally just a button you click to activate it, but that's what I thought.
      So saving and exiting the Realm I Deactivated each and every one of the individual Ore - Coal v1, Ore - Iron v1, Ore - Lapis v1, Ore - Emerald v1, Ore - Gold v1, Ore - Diamond v1 & v2 loaded it without them saved it then re-activated them all again just to hit the same brick wall: The resource pack wasn't there.
      (EDIT: I even had one activated at a time as well, every combination you can think of I most likely did it, and I didn't have any other texture pack on other then the standard one when doing any of this.)
      So since  I obviously  don't know what I'm doing wrong, because by this time I've been trying for the last 2+ hours to try and figure this out on my own; I look to YouTube for ANY sort of solution for what I May be doing wrong, or how I can "fix" this to get the resource packs activated

      All the videos I noticed 1 major thing: It doesn't seem like they are using the version I am.... This isn't helping me at all. Regardless I try the "Tips and Tricks" they show to the get resource packs "activated", I try over and over again, I watch the videos over and over again to make sure that I didn't do something wrong, but in the end I'm still hitting the same brick wall but this time with utter frustration because I have done everything to try and activate resource packs for my Realm when honestly it should never have take me nearly 3 or more hours, and then making a report about this just to try and get a resource pack to work when it comes already pre-installed with your Realms purchase.

      Honestly I feel if Its been made for Realms it should works without this much troubles and frustrations.

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