Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft Realms'
  1. Minecraft Realms
  2. REALMS-3026

Realms related server lag


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • None
    • 1.15 (Java Edition)
    • The effects described above are experienced on several computers, as well as several Internet connection cases including mobile hotspot, two players/single modem, single player/ single modem, two players/two modems.
    • Unconfirmed
    • Java

      Effects include the following:


      • breaking blocks will create a ghost block about a half-second after breaking, and during the time it takes to do this, any other broken blocks will be regenerated when the first block disappears again.


      • animation for eating food is normal until the hand lowers from the screen, from when on the "crumb" particles remain active and one must hold to eat for another two-three seconds to effectively receive the hunger points.


      • Elytra take off and acceleration with rockets is extended for about 1.5x normal length. (could not replicate in video)


      • Elytra landing settles on the ground still in the flight animation, for periods lasting anywhere from two seconds to 20 seconds, where the player cannot stand. Removing Elytra does not change effect time. (could not replicate in video)


      • Sleeping animation is extended to about 1.5x normal length, i,e, lasting 15 seconds to sleep the night, versus typical 10.


      • Daylight cycle "twitching" where the sun/moon advance and then are reset about 80% of the advanced distance, and this is visible throughout any time of day.

        1. Realms_Ghost_Blocks.mp4
          7.72 MB
          Josh Blondeau
        2. Realms_Extended_Sleep_Duration.mp4
          3.45 MB
          Josh Blondeau
        3. Realms_Extended_Eating_Animation.mp4
          5.67 MB
          Josh Blondeau
        4. Realms_Daylight_Cycle_Twitching.mp4
          3.61 MB
          Josh Blondeau

            Unassigned Unassigned
            arcadium134 Josh Blondeau
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