Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)'
  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-93589

World copy failure on larger worlds


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.16.10
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • iOS

      I recently began building a larger build project with some of my friends, and I have regularly been backing up/copying the world in game to avoid any accidents that would result in me loosing the world. I began testing a small variety of add-ons and red piece packs to improve the visuals and storyline functions on the originals world which didn’t seem to have any issues. As I progressed I decided to change my add-on testing to the previous world copy that I had, but when I loaded an add-on it corrupted the world copy. Once that had happened I deleted the old world copy and attempted to create a new one from the original world, but that is where the issue begins.

      When attempting to copy the world, the screen will change to the loading bar and quickly load to exactly 40% and stop. It then sits at this point for about 3-4 second and then returns to the settings menus and displays the “Failed to copy world” error message.
      I have tried a few solutions to similar issues that I found online such as re/loading into and out of other dimensions, and removing all external world modifications. Nothing seems to have worked to fix the issue, which seems to only happen on this world. I have tried copying other worlds and it works as usual.

      My best guess to the issue is that one of the add-ons or resource  packs placed a big on the world, or the world size is too big for my device to handle. As visible in the screenshots, the world size is somewhat large, or At least one of the largest world I have saved on my device.



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          Austin Brown

            Crazymotoman03 Austin Brown
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