• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.16.1
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows

      So, I'm playing in my real like usual, the name of this realm is "SURVIVE". My friend and I were hunting materials, he had around 100 diamonds on him, I myself had 1 ancient debris. We got a message stating that there will be realm maintenance in 10 minutes or 5 minutes I forget. So, like any smart player, we save and quit. Upon returning to our realm, everything we had done form our last log in was lost, all the progress we have made, lost. This is not ok. We put blood sweat and tears into this game, this is not the type of service we expect to given in return. Please, just return to us our diamonds and ancient debris as those are extremely hard to find and if it cannot be returned, rest assured I'll be posting this online and cancelling my realm. Who wants to play if you can't even guarantee our progress. This took place on 7/18/2020 roughly around 1:20AM. I'm on Windows 10, the friend playing with me was on XBOX One. We were both impacted. I look forward to hearing from you.

            xJUSTICExNINJAx Jacob Justice
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