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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-89578

New redstone behavior not implemented correctly on MCPE on Android


    • Unconfirmed
    • Android

      While attempting to design a redcoder without target blocks, I noticed that redstone dust with a signal strength of 1 that points into A block after TURNING (as shown in the fourth Screenshot) will not power the repeater coming out of the block it is turning into.

      When the signal strength is increased to 2, both repeaters light up, similar to pre-1.16 behavior (Shown in the 3rd screenshot).

      It is only when the dust points STRAIGHT into the block WITHOUT turning that the correct behavior is Demonstrated, as shown in the first two screenshots.

      Edit: I don’t know how the screenshots will be ordered, and they seemed to change their order a day after I created the issue. Please try to guess from context.

            MantacidTech MantacidTech
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